Stuttering/lag since the new update

There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Huor.

  • Crossfire 2.0 update Nov. 7 2015

    Yesterday the new update released. Today I updated ofcourse and launched the game. But then I'm in the multiplayer menu and after a few seconds I get stuttering problems. This happened also while being ingame. It's not always though but then the game stutters and then the game runs normally.
    Before the update the game always ran just fine.

    I'm using a 3rd gen i7 laptop with 8GB of memory and a GT650M in it. Running windows 101.

    What I have already tried:

    - The game always ran fine using sweet fx option. Changed that to normal but the same stuttering happened
    - I tried restarting the game multiple times. Same result
    - Restarting the laptop multiple times. Same result
    - Updated all my drivers to latest. Same result

    Also now when I exit crossfire mod the game still keeps running in the background and I have to manually close it in task manager in order to close it.

  • Okay my power was not plugged in the laptop so it seems that was the problem. Going to test some more.

    EDIT: yeah the problem is solved. This thread can be closed now.

    Edited once, last by trendy ().