New Space Game Integrates RPG Elements

  • Long time Wing Commander fan


    has set out to create a space epic that combines elements from role playing games (skill trees and squad members), Wing Commander (space combat, fleet action) and Privateer (trading).

    Star Nomad 2

    is set in an open, dynamic universe in which the player is free to join one of the warring factions, or instead fly for fun and profit. The game provides a top-down point of view, similar to Asteroids or


    . It is currently in Steam's greenlight process, awaiting sufficient community support for the go ahead.

    • Space Trader: Dynamic chain of supply (each tradeship that lands on a port affect production), affected by events, piracy, supply/demand etc.
    • Squad Combat: Real-time, WASD flight, mouse weapons control with Tactical Pause to issue accurate commands to your squad.
    • RPG Progression: Player & NPC Progression via XP/skill trees as well as ships & a vast amount of modules.
    • Complex Faction Dynamics: AI conquer & defend systems with fleet movements. Your actions, big or small, have a major effect on the tide of conquest!
    • Dynamic Sandbox: A universe that is alive & responds to your actions, for good or bad.