Watch System Shock's Wing Commander Minigame

  • Afrim Kosovrasti

    just learned about

    Wing 0

    last week during our coverage of

    System Shock Enhanced

    , and he immediately set out to play it. He loaded up a special

    save file

    (500 k zip) with the appropriate Entertainment Pak already unlocked and jumped right in. The top-down space shooter plays in the lower left VDU of the game's interface. The brown pirate vessels give off a Jalkehi vibe, and the purple Tri-Lacky ships remind me of Dorkirs. Mission 10 appears to do him in as the action really amps up, but it's a really good effort for someone's first time in. Wing 0 might not win too many awards today, but what an awesome easter egg to be embedded in this classic game!

    Just found out about the Wing Commander mini game called "Wing 0" on the PC game System Shock. I searched online and could find almost zero info on it so I decided to play it and record it. I ended up with 45 minutes of footage. If you wanna check it out here is the link! Also my apologies for the lack of commentary. Issues with my mic, tried getting it working for about an hr and finally caved and just did the video without it.