Source Art For Two German WC Books Uncovered

  • Wing Commander's always been extremely popular in Germany, and the official

    German translations

    of the WC novels were



    back in the year 2000. Their weird sci-fi covers were always a bit of a mystery though, which we mostly just calked up to some international licensing/contract issue. LOAF was recently able to track down the source of two odd pieces of art. After all these years, this helps paint a more complete picture of the books' unusual lineage. The image used on the front of the German edition of The Price of Freedom was originally used on Mageworlds: The Long Hunt. German Action Station's cover first belonged to Rimrunners. Crazy stuff! You can see all of the German novels lined up




    Here's an oddity I discovered today: the origin of the weird 'lady running' German cover of Action Stations. The painting was originally for a C.J. Cherryh novel called "Rimrunners." Further odd coincidence: CJ Cherryh was one of the two writers Mark Minasi suggested following if you were interested in the origin of the Kilrathi, in his Secrets of the Wing Commander Universe. The German Wing Commander IV novel cover was originally Mageworlds: The Long Hunt.