Space Game Tropes All Rounded Up

  • Space Game Junkie

    recently recorded a

    new podcast

    about "The Tropiest of Space Game Tropes." Wing Commander is guilty of reusing quite a few well known sci-fi conceits - none perhaps as common as the duplicitous traitor.





    Admiral Wilson


    Admiral Tolwyn


    Prime Minister Jamison



    come to mind, just to name a few. If you'd like to jump to this and other focused WC topics in the discussion, scroll over to about the 44:30 timestamp, otherwise the entire two-hour broadcast is worth a listen if you have the time. SGJ has been pretty prolific in the space sim podcast arena with a total of 85


    in less than two years. If you'd like to hear more, good episodes to start with are the

    interview with Chris Roberts

    and a conversation with

    capi of the WC RPG


    Welcome, my friends, to this episode of the Space Game Junkie Podcast (also happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Americans! ;)! This week, Jim and I talk about a few things, such as a small glut of space games hitting Steam, the (at the time upcoming, currently ongoing) Steam Fall sale, and our main topic of the week, space game tropes! Tropes like: Why are pirates always like a biker gang? Why do they call big fighters, “bombers”? How come YOU always have to be in charge of the damned wing? That sort of thing. It made for a fun conversation, I’d like to think. ;)