STO Community Podcasts Incoming!

  • Incoming Transmission from the Galactic News Network satellite array. Reports are coming in of exclusive interviews with leading members of the Cryptic Corps of Engineers from multiple teams of dedicated GNN Podcast Journalist crew members. They are bringing you up to date information on the recent fleet wide alerts regarding the Ship Upgrade system, the recent redesign of Earth Space Dock after the devastating attack by Species 8472, and more! Click on the hyperlinks below to find out more about these brave reporters, and the stories they bring to our STO Community.

    Priority One

    Join the Priority One crew as they bring you the latest updates about STO, including interviews with Cryptic Dev staff as the ramp up towards their historic 200th episode! Captains Elio, Cookie, Skiffy and Jayce are all proud to present these broadcasts to their fellow STO Fans, so tune in now and don't miss out! Set your phasers to fun!

    Click here for Episode #199

    Tribbles in Ecstasy

    The Tribbles pur with excitment as they talk all things STO & SciFi in this latest episode of Tribbles In Ecstasy. Don't miss the broadcast with all the latest news from worlds of Trek outside STO and across the galaxy. Grab your special Tribbles and give them some love while you tune in!

    Click here for Episode #144 of Tribbles In Ecstasy

    The UGC Foundry Roundtable

    Join the crew of Starbase UGC as they present the Foundry Roundtable to discuss everything Star Trek Online offers in it's UGC Foundry Engine. Not just to the talented UGC Authors amongst their ranks, but to players like you who crave new and original content. Explore the endless possibilities in the Foundry, and spend some time with those who know it best. Get your off-duty outfits on and meet us on the Holodeck before diving into the mysteries of User Generated Content.

    Click here for Episode #79 of the Foudnry Roundtable

    Tune in next week for more updates to our STO Community Podcasts Report page, for more inside information and behind the scenes goodies brought to you by the fantastic community members who work tirelessly to bring you these incredible broadcasts.

    Thanks again players, and we will see you in-game!

    Community Manager
    Star Trek Online

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    Nov 24th 2014 / 10:30pm