Chaos Clan Looking for Recruits / Special Offer

There are 186 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Baldwin.

  • no the ban for trowa had its reasons and the ban for don also has

    its reason... it doesnt matter who is who now... coz both (originally) persons did things i

    wont tolerate



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ok ive heard and seen enouph, going to have to go with

    Chaos in this war BS.
    Dont understand Pirates act like pirates police get mad. That all

    sounds normal. War between pirates and police sould be SOP. Or am I just weird. A rule

    against reloading in battle,,,, Rediculous who came up with such BS. Use all ya got fight to

    the death for heavens sake, why ban reloading.
    This hole thing is rediculous from the

    outside looking in.

    But saw the line crossed by BG when threatened to ban caos clan

    for something said in private chat channel that upset him. Then read server shutdown was

    because BG-OP calls normal SOP for pirates destroying the server. I wasn,t at his place but

    dont realy think a little war IN A WAR GAME was smoking the server. Cant believe use of

    God powers by losers.
    If I do come back to crossfire, I will be joining Caos directly to

    pirate with honor. So God can ban me next to real Pirates. Will be honoured to walk plank

    with you all.

    Captain Crunch today...Caos Crunch sounds good

    (\__/)(='.'=)(" )_(" ) This silly rabbit came to Texas, Started talking about World Domination, Got sliced and diced.

  • theres always some1 trying

    to distroy this server. or so some say. But if thats the way ppl want to say it then fair


    About the reload thing. All on the server agree'd with it to make fights



  • on most servers the use of bats/bots during battles is not allowed... it just shows

    dishonour and poor skills
    if you cant fight without that shit then ur wrong on


    and yes i will ban ppl if needed... like every other admin would do

    act like pirates is not the problem... but the break rules is one (this includes insulting

    other players) oh and maybe you read the posts again and you will see that we were not the

    guys who told chaos not to act like pirates... they told DC not to act like mercs and they

    told us not to do our job as police



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @ Thx Crunch, we would

    be pleased to have u on our team, u were respected on CF by all.


    BTW so far the only ppl im

    specifically accused of insulting are op (in a private group chat conversation no one should

    have seen here....) and trowa who was pretending to be a 14-yr old girl but i knew at the

    time he wasnt, lol.... he's now banned anyway for posting a funny pic of Don Zardeone as a

    vampire, lol (well some other reasons too i guess, but we dunno them exactly maybe

    "sedition" would be the legal term).

    As to why we are at clanwar... they wont tell me

    the reason other than we "denied dc their right of role play" which is too ridiculous for

    even most of their own ppl to believe ( i c he is back to trying that one agian ^^, lol...)


    Basically the truth as we see it is op wants to try and punish Chaos for daring to

    defy him, and for trying to grow and be competitive agianst bg.

    We posed no threat

    to the server... how could we? we dont have any control over it, only op does... its up to

    op what happens with it not us. The idea that we are "ruining it" stems directly from him

    refusing to accept our presence ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.... as in an ultimatim: He will close

    the server if he doesnt get his way. He has said this several times, actually. So i guess

    the ppl that support him decided we are a good sacrifice in order to keep their status quo.

    Well i hope they excuse us if we disagree. We are not very lamb-like and not ready

    to die for the bloody alter of the bg's ego.

  • Have played many different servers, have never heard of not using bots and bats in duel

    or battle till came here. Part of ship caracteristics can be how many it holds. Declaring

    weather or not missles in duels is normal. What other mod /server are you talking about ?

    Said it was agreed upon in server missed that post, Bad conduct or Forbidden havent quite

    When server was down tried freeworlds server no bots there, but it wasn,t

    because my reflexes didn't hit them, it is built in mod. It is your mod OP (and kinda like

    it great job) if ya dont likem why dont you remove them. Or just not sell them.

    willing to play by rules, and luv ya all police included no insults from my end. No reload

    rule is vague-dont like it
    . Still haven,t figured out how a whole clan insulted

    someone, sounds like a single person ban would be more


    (\__/)(='.'=)(" )_(" ) This silly rabbit came to Texas, Started talking about World Domination, Got sliced and diced.

  • interesting


    like this server has the same problem like mine
    i would suggest the admin just to ban

    those guys
    from what i have seen so far those chaos started all the trouble and like this

    swat said it does not look like this jib will never stop it

    there are always such

    people in a community which need to accuse others for things they never did just so he/she

    feels better or to hide his own failure
    he and this nitrox (i think he belongs to chaos

    aswell but I'm not sure) have said many things about others but i have not seen a single

    in my eyes all those words are not true, they are even unlogical many


    to me it looks like there are a few guys on this forum which simply went crazy

    and want to involve everyone else into their own small world of wars, spies, backstabbing,

    lies and many other things

    jib sorry that i have to say this now but you are a shame

    for freelancer community and someone should stop you (hopefully this will be before you get

    the chance to go to other servers to do the same s***)
    i still ask myself why the

    administrators did nothing against you yet, maybe they just have more hope for you coming

    back to reality than i would have

    it is really a shame that people come online to

    play and think they can turn out their bad sides here because they can't see who gets hurt

    on the other side of the line. You dont see the work that is behind creating such a

    community and such a server. The money that has spent, the time and all the hard work. And

    then you guys just decide to destroy the work of others by acting in such a way. Maybe you

    think you are smart thinking you can play the bad boy here but maybe some of you have seen

    Starwars and know how easy it is to be on the dark side and how hard to remain on the good

    side. People which help others and act in a good way have all my respect because i know what

    im talking about. Without such people you wouldn't even be able to play freelancer


    So this is what i had to say
    keep up the good work with this community

    and get rid of trouble makers, they are just like cancer which needs to be cutted



    oh and just to let you know the use shieldbatteries and

    nanobots has been banned from most good servers, two years ago the biggest clans in

    freelancer agreed on this rule which is respected on nearly all servers. Unless you are no

    n00blancer you should follow this rule because even enemy clans would unite to hunt you down

    if you do
    some servers even have a serverrule about bats/bots

  • Eagle get to know ppl before you say things. Fair play Jib is

    no angel But Swat OP isn't aswell. And any 1 that says there are are full of it. Dont just

    judge on things happoning now. Look far back and you will see a patten a long patten.


  • What server was that eagle? Since u seem to know so much about Chaos (being critical

    and all, suggesting we be banned), we are interested in hearing about u.

  • i judge on what people do and on their behaviour and what i have seen here shows me

    exactly what is going on
    this jib acts like a maniac while swat is trying to calm down

    everything, he looks like a person with a good behaviour and a good feeling for the


    it is not only that this jib is acting in this dishonorful way, also this

    nitrox when he cried for war and insulted other people

    really I can understand swat

    very well, he has my respect for staying that cool all the time

  • omfg eagle ur new to this server u can't say thibgs like that

    my mission is to

    hunt anyone hu says that again

  • @eagle: Ok we always try to judge ppl on what

    they say and do as well... I agree its good advice.

    Like u for instance: Some1 new

    here who doesnt want to answer any questions about who u are or what ur story is... U just

    show up at a very critical time damning one side 100% ; and praising the other side 100%


    Sure u got a right to an opinion.. But at least the ppl who come on here

    with opinions in support of Chaos dont look so much like obvious shills... They are all

    well-known and respected on the server by many.... Who are u again?

  • i think i just showed you that i can

    i know about chaos what i have read here

    and that is enough to see how you guys are like

    I play this game since it came out, i

    play on elite and fought [NEO] there until the server closed, then i went to Hamburg City

    where I spent alot of time fighting the snakes, next was Freelancers Home, then i had a

    short visit on 5thW and CHSP before i went back to Hamburg City... now i run a small private

    server for me and my friends

    I originally came here to request the permission to use

    the crossfire mod on my server but i already got the answer that Im not allowed to
    I will

    respect this decision but i don't need to respect which tell me what oppinion i should have

    about them

  • lol i get it now. he got a no to use the CF mod. So he things OP will

    change his mind if he sticks up for him. After just reading a few posts that happoned in the

    last few weeks. stay here for a few month and read all posts in the past like i sed you

    car'nt judge just from what you read so far. Im an ex CF player. But i stick up for old

    allies as i know what there enamy is like. Its not the BG clan its a few ppl.


  • unlikely that i will



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • @eagle I really am having a hard time undertanding u. No one said

    your opinion wasnt respected... In fact i clearly said u were entitled to it. U seem to have

    a lot of anger over this issue... dunno why it seems personal to u when it shouldnt.

    Maybe u had a simular event happen on your old server some time that has left alot

    of unresolved feelings... But i assure u this isnt your old server, and im not that other


    What is puzzling is why u are so vehemently opposed to us, when u obviously

    do not know the background.. Most ppl will try to look at both sides before coming to such a

    one-sided conclusion.

    Thank u for the history info, u have been in FL alot longer

    than me for sure (MP only about 10 months). If i can ask one more question? Do u and Op and

    other bg have a long aquaintance?

  • Jib i have lost all respect i had for you(yes i did have some)
    You deceived and lied

    (angeleyes and accusations)
    why the hell did u try to set me up ?
    I had angel eyes

    asking for help because of the abuse from u and you and angel had it all arranged

    accused me of slander and i proved u wrong now i find u had tried to set us up with angel

    eyes/trowa .
    Everything you accuse BG of doing you have done yourself
    Get a life and

    dont try to ruin every1 elses fun
    BG_Wavey and proud of it :)

  • @wtf wavey.... What is a matter with u? U forget the incident or something? J-H-C u are

    really tripping on this one.

    Lets get this very straight.. U are mad at me cause

    TROWA wanted to set me up.... Cause HE fooled U into believing he was a 14-year girl... I

    suspected "she" was some1 else (TOLD U THAT) , then a little later one of our ppl said it

    was him.. But i wisely kept quite until i knew WHY he did it, and WHO he was working for (if

    anyone)... I PUBLICLY said it on sys chat that angeleyes prolly wasnt who "she" claimed she


    How would i know then if u were in on the deception not!

    Huh? You said stuff to me sounding like u knew her DAD wavey... U SAID U KNEW HER DAD.....

    AND THAT HE WAS PROLLY GONNA KICK MY ASS, lol.... Are remembering now?

    Ok later after

    u denied it here in the forum i believed u when u said that u were not in on it (u appear to

    be sadly misguided, but not dishonest)... But please tell me HOW TF i was to know if u were

    part of the deception at the time???? Talking about "her" dad to me.... wtf wavey, why would

    u want to keep bringing this up, lol?.

    The only way i could find out if u were part

    of it either way was to see how the incident was handled.... so i waited until u posted

    about it.

    And Op may also remember that once in a MSN chat before that he brought up

    the incident and i did suggest that it was a fake....

    Dammit , maybe now u should

    produce those screenies to show that i did say "she" was a fake! I did not lie at any point

    here..... u got no right to AGAIN accuse me without the freakin' FACTS! Are u so damn sure

    that i am doing "something" wrong that u will jump at anything that comes along?

    Dont take things personally here wavey... this is a forum war, it may be the first u

    have seen... But believe me i didnt invent the rules for this "battle"; i learned from ur

    boss who a past-master at it, and they sure as hell aint Marquis of Queensbury lol.

  • No Jib she told me she was 14 and an army brat ,later that evening she

    attacked you then u got upset.
    I never knew she was trowa till u posted it.
    In another

    post written by u u said trwoa did it for a laugh,why not inform me?
    ffs Jib if you knew

    at time why not say ,u waited till after it happened and used it.
    forum wars ok u have

    as i said a few days ago ceasefire and discussion is easy why not do it?

  • hey guys i think everyonw should stop and think what his happening here. slowly i pattern

    is starting to emerge that somone or a group of people are moving behind the scenes

    spreading discord and setting people up now i do not really know who trowa or don zardone

    are so i cant guess at there aims but i can see they are up to something who knows who else

    my be acting on there behalf for all everyone knows here closest advisers my be in on this

    for want of a better term conspiracy so i think pple shud be carefull and if someone

    apparently is being helpfull you might want to think do i trust this persons motives or i

    could be wrong to be honest i hope i am