Problems with Crossfire 19.exe file

There are 3 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Zool.

  • Hi there,

    Problem #1
    I had to try 3 different sources to download the file. At both and Swat_Portal sites the download stopped after 384mb and said it was complete.

    The only successful download location I could find was at: FilePlanet: Freelancer - Crossfire Mod v1.9

    Can anyone vouch for the validity and safety of this site and downloads?

    Problem #2
    When I ran my Avast AV on Crossfire 19.exe install file, it came up with a warning.

    "The file is a decompression bomb (42110)"

    Filename: Crossfire19.exe|>$_OUTDIR\DATA\AUDIO\rvp101dk.utf

    I am running the most up to date version of Avast AV (free version).

    Is ths file a recognised part of the program? and Is it safe to run Crossfire19.exe?

    I am very much looking forward to playing this mod again as it was an excellent mod for FL when I first played it in 2010.
    Thankyou for the help.

    Time is an illusion.............

    Lunchtime doubly so !!

  • I have just tried dowloading the Crossfire 1.9 again and it got to 401Mb before comong up as finished?

    Any ideas why?

    Time is an illusion.............

    Lunchtime doubly so !!

  • interrupted downloads are often result of packet losses
    you should let your internet provider check the connection
    other than that it helps to use download managers

    all 3 download sources are valid and working

    the reported Avast message must be a false positive as this file contains nothing but voice samples
    its actually pretty weird that this report comes up since I am also using Avast without any reports like that.



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    Fifty percent pain,
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