Strange crash when flying ManticoreDread

There are 3 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by dragon492.

  • Ok, so i bought my Manticore about 30mins after mission 8- bought all my guns and such in new Tokyo, I've made it all the way up to the "Return the tome" or something around them lines, its part 3 or so of the mission, every time i spawn (even loading auto-saves, or other saves prior), i get this unusual crash, as if the game minimized itself, and it won't come back up- shortly after a Microsoft error ( that generic "were sorry if you were in the middle of something, the program had an error, please report this to Microsoft junk ), when i wake up tomorrow im gonna do a bit of troubleshooting, load my werewolf save *just before i bought the battleship*- and see if it still crashes*

    *Side note, it only seems to crash after killing one of the *gunboats* (Rhineland gunboats[how ever that's spelt])

    P.S- i let the launcher download all the files *up to 117 or something of the sort when it said it was done*, so, that isn't the issue... :/

    Any tips as to how to fix this? o.O?

    Ty for you're time - i didn't get the chance to sort through the 2dozen+ pages as its 4:30 am right now, so sorry if this already exists somewhere else ._. :S

  • Hello dragon492,

    can you please follow instruction given here: index.php?page=FaqDetail&category=7#question164 ?

  • Ty for the fast reply

    i'll go there & send in the ticket , but a minor update on this, i noticed that i ONLY crash when targeting the Rhineland gunships... i tryed again, doing 3 things

    1: 1st run: only thing i targeted was the Rhinelands, same was as before, 2 torpedoes and a gun volly
    Result- Crash
    2: 2nd run: Only target, again, the Rhinelands, Bit diffrent, Guns only 3 vollys later, Rhine explodes
    Result- Crash
    3: 3rd Run: Completely avoid targeting the Rhinelands. shot down all fightes, tanked the Rhines while the NPC fighters killed the 2 Rhines,
    Result- No crash- mission completed, i'll get you're error report in here in a while :)

    Just figured i oughtta post that finding up may do some good if you come looking for it again :)