Mission 31

There are 3 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Bman272.

  • I want to report a bug/issue with mission 31. Normally in other areas you can cruse right into a gate and hit dock and dock really fast. I am having a issue with the inner core gates. My ship wants to go around the gate to dock. Also, what is the

  • And yes you just have to get near the repair buoys to get repaired.
    If you can shake the enemies before getting to them it´s just fine ^^

    "Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon!"
    - Rorschach

  • I pretty much just ran like hell through the inner core territories till i got to dom'kavash areas. Learn to avoid patrols and it shouldnt be too hard to get to kavash space. May have to try a few times in the deeper areas.