NPC List

  • Battlestar Galactica Online NPC List by jdog11490

    HP= hull points PW= power LV= level


    Light interdiction /Light Sentinel platform: 1250 hp / pw 500/ lv 12
    Light suppression / Light gaurdian: 2750 hp / pw 500/ lv 13
    Medium interdiction /Medium Sentinel: 4250 hp/ pw 750/ lv 14
    Medium guardian/ Medium suppression: 5750 hp/ pw 750/ lv 16
    Heavy sentinel /Heavy interdiction: 7250 hp/pw 1000/ lv 18
    Heavy suppression/ Heavy guardian: 8750 hp/pw 1000/ lv 20


    Failing Seeker drone: 250 hp/pw 100/ lv 5
    Worn Seeker drone: 375 hp/ pw 100/ lv10
    Rugged Seeker drone: 500 hp / pw 100/ lv 15

    Failing Sentry drone: 300 hp /pw 100/ lv 5
    Worn Sentry drone: 425 hp /pw 100/ lv 10
    Rugged Sentry drone: 550 hp/pw 100/ lv 15

    Failing Hunter drone: 500 hp/pw 200/lv 9
    Worn Hunter drone: 750 hp/pw 200/ lv 14
    Rugged Hunter: 1000hp /pw 200/lv 19

    Failing Guard drone: 600 hp/pw 200/ lv 9
    Worn Guard drone: 900 hp/pw 200 / lv 14
    Rugged Guard drone: 1200 hp/ pw 200/ lv 19


    Colonial Ships:


    Novice: 250 hp /pw 100/ lv 3
    Seasoned: 350hp /pw 100/ lv 7
    Veteran: 450 hp /pw 100/ lv 11
    Expert 550 hp/pw 100/ lv 15
    Elite: 650 hp /pw 100/ lv 19
    Novice 300 hp / pw 100/ lv 3
    Seasoned: 400 hp/pw 100/ lv 7
    Veteran: 500 hp/pw 100/ lv 11
    Expert: 600 hp/pw 100/ lv 15
    Elite: 700 hp/pw 100/ lv 19
    Novice: 460 hp/ pw 150/ lv 3
    Seasoned: 560 hp /pw 150/ lv 7
    Veteran: 660 hp /pw 150/ lv 11
    Expert: 760 hp /pw 150/ lv 15
    Elite: 860 hp /pw 150/ lv 19


    Seasoned: 1000 hp/pw 200/ lv 11
    Veteran: 1200 hp/pw 200/lv 14
    Expert: 1600 hp /pw 200/lv 17
    Elite: 1800 hp/pw 200/lv 19
    Seasoned: 1400 hp/pw 300/ lv 11
    Veteran: 1600 hp/pw 300/lv 14
    Expert: 2000 hp/pw 300/ lv 17
    Elite: 2200 hp/pw 300/lv 19
    Seasoned: 1200hp/pw 200/ lv 11
    Veteran: 1400hp/pw 200/lv 14
    Expert: 1800hp/pw 200/lv17
    Elite: 2000hp/pw 200/ lv 19


    Veteran: 3260 hp/pw 750/lv 16
    Expert: 3960 hp/pw 750/lv 18
    Elite: 4460 hp/pw 750/lv 20
    Veteran: 2800 hp/pw 500/lv 16
    Expert: 3500 hp/pw 500/lv 18
    Elite: 4200 hp/ pw 500/lv 20
    Veteran: 3000 hp/ pw 500/lv 16
    Expert: 3700 hp/pw 500/lv 18
    Elite: 4400 hp/ pw 500/lv 20


    Cylon Ships:


    Basic: 250 hp /pw 100/ lv 3
    Updated: 350 hp /pw 100/ lv 7
    Intermediate: 450 hp /pw 100/ lv 11
    Evolved: 550 hp/pw 100/ lv 15
    Advanced: 650 hp /pw 100/ lv 19
    Heavy raider:
    Basic: 300 hp /pw 100/ lv 3
    Updated :400 hp /pw 100/ lv 7
    Intermediate: 500 hp/pw 100/ lv 11
    Evolved: 600 hp/pw 100/ lv 15
    Advanced: 700 hp/pw 100/ lv 19
    Basic: 460 hp /pw 150/ lv 5
    Updated: 560 hp /pw 150/ lv 7
    Intermediate: 660 hp/ pw 150/ lv 11
    Evolved : 760 hp /pw 150/ lv 15
    Advanced: 860 hp /pw 150/lv 19


    Updated: 1000 hp/pw 200/ lv 11
    Intermediate: 1200 hp/pw 200/ lv 14
    Evolved: 1600 hp /pw 200/ lv 17
    Advanced: 1800 hp/pw 200/ lv 19
    Updated: 1400 hp/pw 300/ lv 11
    Intermediate: 1600 hp/pw 300/ lv 14
    Evolved: 2000 hp/pw 300/ lv 17
    Advanced specter: 2200 hp/pw 300/ lv 19
    Updated: 1200 hp/pw 200/ lv 11
    Intermediate: 1400 hp/pw 200/ lv 14
    Evolved: 1800 hp/pw 200/ lv 17
    Advanced: 2000 hp/ pw 200/ lv 19


    Intermediate: 3260 hp/pw 750/ lv 16
    Evolved: 3960hp/ pw 750/lv 18
    Advanced: 4660hp/pw 750/ lv 20
    Intermediate: 2800hp /pw 500/ lv 16
    Evolved: 3500hp/pw 500/ lv 18
    Advanced: 4200hp/ pw 500/lv 20
    Intermediate: 3000 hp/pw 500/lv 16
    Evolved: 3700 hp/ pw 500/lv 19
    Advance: 4400 hp/ pw 500/lv20


    Other stuff:
    Out Posts: 30,000 hp/ pw 1000/ lv 1
    Battle stars / Base stars: 50,000 hp(+ the skill lvs fo hp added) / 1000 pw/ lv (what ever the players lv is)
    Colonial/ Cylon mine: 4500 hp/ pw 0/ lv 15


    Light 1000 hp/ pw 40/ lv8 , Medium 1500 hp/ pw 40/ lv 14, Heavy 2500 hp/ 40 PW/ lv 20
    Light 1000 hp/ pw 40/ lv8 , Medium 1500 hp/ pw 40/ lv 14, Heavy 2500 hp/ 40 PW lv 20



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!