Trekker vs Trekkie

  • A Trekker wears a starfleet

    uniform to a convention because it's fun.
    A Trekkie wears a starfleet uniform to a

    convention because s/he has heard that it is in style at theacademy.

    A Trekker has a

    Starfleet Academy window sticker on his car.
    A Trekkie is cramming for the entrance


    A Trekker meets Marina Sirtis/Gates McFadden at a convention, tells her how

    pretty he thinks she is, that it is too bad she is married or he would ask her out.

    Trekkie meets Deanna Troi/Dr. Crusher at a convention, tells her how pretty he thinks she

    is, and asks her if she is still seeing Riker (Picard, some alien patient, et al).


    Trekker loves watching the show, nitpicking and discussing it with friends.
    A Trekkie

    loves watching those documentaries filmed aboard the Enterprise.

    A Trekker thinks

    Wil Wheaton was a lucky kid who got to play a kid on Star Trek.
    A Trekkie thinks that

    Wesley Crusher was a lucky kid who got to sit on the bridge.

    A Trekker thinks that

    it is a shame that the show is coming to an end.
    A Trekkie thinks that it is a shame

    that the crew is being reassigned and the Enterprise is being decomissioned.


    Trekker knows that there are gaping holes in the technology, but ignores them and enjoys the

    A Trekkie can't wait for the price to come down on those home food replicator


    A Trekker buys pips for the rank s/he wants to be.
    A Trekkie wonders why

    he is constantly passed over for promotion.

    A Trekker tells his/her new

    girl/boyfriend that s/he really likes Star Trek.
    A Trekkie's new girl/boyfriend is an

    underclassman at the academy.

    A Trekker wonders what sex in zero g would be like.

    A Trekkie wonders what sex would be like.




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!