Newbie to newbie! Hey guys!!

There are 20 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SA_ARROW.

  • Hey guys. Ok, everyone on this forum is helpful as anything. However, I know I've seen a few other starting players on server, even talked to a couple, and I've only been on a few days now. This isn't the first online game I've played, and I know approaching the senior members of any community can be intimidating, especially if you have ever played in a community with "less than helpful people". So, anyone who wants to talk about anything Crossfire related, but would prefer to talk to someone else inexperienced, by all means, post here.

    Now, community senior members, you are not being asked not to post here. By all means, help us out, and keep us from doing the major stupids. I"m just hoping this might get some people who would otherwise lurk to come out, get to know each other. You have a great thing going here, and I wanna be a part of it, and help others to be as well. Newbs talk to newbs, just happens.

    Remember, though, on most things, I'm gonna be as clueless ass all the rest of you starters. Please, please, feel free to seek out help from people more experienced than me. But if you wanna talk to someone else just getting his ship wet, I'm happy to hear from ya!

  • Hello Freelancer.

    If its help you've got it.

    Seek me out when I am online, I will be happy to help you.
    But in the meantime, when you are on this portal, check the Spoilers section.
    But only use this if you are stuck, otherwise you will have nothing to play for.
    (that is oc you just want to get right into the action, then i suggest print a lot off)

    The best tools for playing the mod are a pad and pen, believe me YOU will need them.

    Anyway, good luck with your adventures, and i will see you online.

    WELCOME TO CROSSFIRE. :thumbsup:

    Safe Flying.


  • Right now, I'm viewing it as an already explored Universe, and taking advantage of the databases out there. It's kinda like buying an atlas when you go on safari in Africa: You know other people have already seen it, but you haven't, so it's still worth the trip. Also, I wanna at least get my first ship well equipped, so I have something reliable to explore with.

    That's why it's so awesome to come in just as 1.9 is coming out. There are going to be new things to find that no one will know about, so there is potential to be the first to see something. It's pretty exciting.

    Not to mention, my first, well equipped ship is a Bullpup MkIII, so I can bring some of whatever I find back for everybody. Freighter love!

  • hello guys, um thanks for this topic, this is just what i was searching for, as i registered yesterday, got the mod and when i played, solo or MP, well, i had a REAL hard time, i'm not really used to this difficulty and i can't seem to find where i can trigger the storyquest. And something else is that, well, i love Roleplay but i didn't see much on the server as 10 people were connected, i was just wondering if i just came in the bad time or if it's the usual ? Then at last, my final question is : Although i got connected to the server, what am i supposed to do as a beginer (seek enter to a faction ? get contracts ? play the merchant ? explore ... ?). I think it's pretty much all i need to know (for now :D ).
    Thanks for reading and answering :)

    I'm a filthy merc and i'm okay
    I sleep all night and i work all day.
    I get rogues down,
    Or cops it's you
    Who chose my life for meeeeee!
    On wednesday i go shopping
    And i've buttered scones for tea !

    And now for something completely different : Good bye

  • Welcome to the Server!
    First of all, yes, it is a small community, and it is global, so a lot of people are not in the same time zone. This can make it kinda hit-and-miss for finding a bunch of people online. However, I always found this to be appropriate, because, well, this is a game stretching multiple solar systems, so if I go a while without running into anyone, makes sense.
    Now, the difficulty. If your used to vanilla Freelancer, this is gonna be a little hard at first. Was for me too. If you can find me online at any given time, I would be glad to help you out with some basic starting equipment, because that's what was done for me. The "top 3" Vhf ships from vanilla freelancer, the Eagle, Sabre, and Titan, are all still the same price, which makes them extremely accessible in Crossfire's economy, and they can all be purchased from the same place. Don't wanna throw any spoilers out there, but I know how frustrating it can be without a decent ship, so just ask a few people online directions to Arena, someone will help you. Heck, if I'm on, I'll escort you. Just for a baseline, about 2-3 million will get you a decently equipped ship, at least for starting out. If you catch me online (Corbin on server too), I'll help you with some money gladly.
    Now, the Storyline is a confusing point too. Again, I don't wanna throw spoilers out there, you can find them if you want them. What I can tell you is that the Crossfire Quest line is entirely text based, and found mostly in news reports. Check the news in the bars, and you'll start getting clues. After that, follow them. If your stuck, ask a few people, and once again, it's very likely someone will help you out.
    Other than that, it's a free universe, do what you want. You can run trade trips, explore, or just kill NPC's. You'll notice NPC kills tend to drop pilot pods. These can be sold at prisons for a chunk of money, and are a good way to improve your dogfighting while you make some cash. Again, ask some people online for directions. Always seems more like roleplaing when you ask for directions in-game anyways. Kinda like squaking into the CB radio on a truck run.
    Don't let the initial difficulty shock deter you. Once you get a decent ship, which isn't hard (just, really, you prob don't want the Titan), you will start loving it. And feel free to PM me, though there are probably more informed people on here.
    Welcome to the sector, and safe flying!

  • Okay thanks a lot i think this will help me and btw i read this just before connecting so if you're on, i'll probably PM you to ask a few directions (for the money i'm ok, a guy gave me 5 millions yesterday for a mysterious reason, still it's kind and i've got more than 4M left )(bought merc license :) )

    I'm a filthy merc and i'm okay
    I sleep all night and i work all day.
    I get rogues down,
    Or cops it's you
    Who chose my life for meeeeee!
    On wednesday i go shopping
    And i've buttered scones for tea !

    And now for something completely different : Good bye

  • Sir yes sir ! :)
    thanks for this welcome.

    PS : what does SA stand for ?

    I'm a filthy merc and i'm okay
    I sleep all night and i work all day.
    I get rogues down,
    Or cops it's you
    Who chose my life for meeeeee!
    On wednesday i go shopping
    And i've buttered scones for tea !

    And now for something completely different : Good bye

  • They are the Silver Arrows, a lawful merc clan, and one of the few I'm considering joining up with, or at least trying to. And unfortunately I cannot get on server right now, kinda at work for the next seven hours or so. :( :P

  • haha ok well thanks for all your help still, i'm on trip, exploring to find a proper ship

    I'm a filthy merc and i'm okay
    I sleep all night and i work all day.
    I get rogues down,
    Or cops it's you
    Who chose my life for meeeeee!
    On wednesday i go shopping
    And i've buttered scones for tea !

    And now for something completely different : Good bye

  • Not a prob. And don't think you're gonna be behind with one of the vanilla ships. Even with all the Crossfire ships about, a lot of people who have been on here much, much longer than me consider the Eagle to be one of the better ships in the game.

  • 'unbeatable' is relative; I'm far from being on top of my game in CF nowadays (I wonder why ^_^)

    you can always try and beat me and my fabulous ship though

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • I'm still getting my "optimal" equipment together for my bathtub-full-of-guns BPMKIII, but I wouldn't mind getting schooled by you in a Arena sometime. I know my dogfighting could use some work.

  • hey guys i'm back, and i've bought a ship (yes, the titan, then what ? :) ) and i was wondering how i could buy proper weapons as i'm supposed to be in a friendlier relationship with the trader but i can't seem to find how to (got some missions but with class 2 weaps it's not doable for me T-T) so i was wondering if any of you guys had an advice for me ?
    thanks for reading*

    I'm a filthy merc and i'm okay
    I sleep all night and i work all day.
    I get rogues down,
    Or cops it's you
    Who chose my life for meeeeee!
    On wednesday i go shopping
    And i've buttered scones for tea !

    And now for something completely different : Good bye

  • LOL! Good for you getting the underdog ship! Make it work, make a name for yourself!

    As far as the weapons, if you went to Arena system, there shouldn't have been a problem with buying anything. Did you go somewhere else?