Reliant in Daedalus

There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Master.

  • Hmm... I'm not sure if I'm meant to post a bug report, and I don't know how, but I was flying around in the Liberty Dreadnought, and flew to the Crossfire Docks and bought the Reliant. I knew the reliant had problems with docking with some planets but I wanted to test it because the guns all fired in the same directions. I flew into Daedalus afterwards because I decided I didn't enjoy the reliant, and wanted to buy a Rhienland Cruiser. I was just outside the docks and I couldn't dock. I left it there for about 10 minutes and it still didn't dock. But that wasn't the problem. I then had to log out and have dinner, but when I tried to log bag in, every time it said "disconnected from server". I rebooted my computer, logged back in, still didn't work. I reinstalled Crossfire, still didn't work. It appears my chars have been bugged. I am prepared to delete my current characters and recreate them on a different account, but I have put a lot of time into these accounts, and don't want to delete them finding out later that it could have been fixed. Is there anyway anyone could help me, give me advice or do I just have to delete. Sorry for the long post.

    Every time I post, it activates Thank'o'mat even though I have disabled it several times. Anyone know?

    C S F

    Master - Clan Leader, Recruitment Officer, Treasurer, High Command

    Characters: Bank, Master{(Anything inside parentheses)}

    Synergy Are Recruiting. Your chance is now. Join today, and fight alongside your clan mates tomorrow.

    If you need any help, feel free to contact me. I am usually available and always willing to help.

  • It looks that You have one char corrupted :( on that ID ... ask OP for help (by PM). Your ID can be repaired, but you will lost corrupted char.

  • Thanks. Losing the character isn't really a problem. I was just worried about all my characters being lost.

    C S F

    Master - Clan Leader, Recruitment Officer, Treasurer, High Command

    Characters: Bank, Master{(Anything inside parentheses)}

    Synergy Are Recruiting. Your chance is now. Join today, and fight alongside your clan mates tomorrow.

    If you need any help, feel free to contact me. I am usually available and always willing to help.