Who are the Clusterfuck?

  • Original source: evenews24.com
    So many people don’t know what the Clusterfuck is or who are its members. Seeing this, I have written a short profile on each member of the Clusterfuck (sometimes styled as The Deklein Coalition) and what they bring to this group of friends and allies. These are the guys who have been bringing 95% of the pain to IT day after day over the past month in Fountain. Occasionally, the Northern Coalition proper makes a guest star appearance (First battle of PNQY-Y, Second battle of Z30S-A), but for the most part they have been content to watch the campaign unfold while dealing with their own issues (The Russians, Pandemic Legion). With that said, here we go.

    1) Tactical Narcotics Team – Deklein guests inherited from TCF. TNT has proved their mettle over and over since Goons and TEST moved into Deklein. Quiet, yet competent and contented, Goons and TEST only live in Deklein because TNT let us (It’s a good thing they haven’t noticed all the drug users in Goonswarm yet).

    2) Gentlemen’s Agreement – A group of bittervets mainly from Kugu who formed specifically to fight alongside the CF. Nasty fighters, very ~good at eve~. They mainly seek ~goodfytes~ and thus are always out running hunter-killer groups roaming around Fountain and Delve.

    3) Fatal Ascension – FA have a little space in Fade, a solid chunk of Cloud Ring which they helped the CF take and will be owning a big chunk of Fountain. They bring solid numbers(but they still fit sensor boosters on drakes, :argh!), and Zagdul is proving to be a tireless FC and coordinator.

    4) Important Internet Spaceship League. These dudes are from Providence and became friends with TEST when they were deployed in the south. BDEAL helped us fight against INIT in Catch and when the deployment was over, they came north with TEST to help conquer Fountain. BDEAL have been invaluable allies, bringing a huge number of pilots (for their size) to every fight, and their competent and experienced small-gang FCs have been helping to keep the Machine of War moving smoothly.

    5) Wildly Inappropriate(dot) – WI(dot) got kicked out of the NC and came to crash on the ShortBus crew’s couch. Their terrible (yet sometimes amusing) posting has been a big morale lift and they’ve been a handy group of fighters with an extensive capfleet and a lot of moxie. The most devastating victories against IT occurred when WI(dot) brought their BroFist to complement AlphaFleet and DrakeFleet in a 3 faceted army of Death rampaging though Fountain.

    6) Goonswarm Federation – The strategic, tactical, propaganda, and intelligence core of the Clusterfuck. They also bring huge numbers of veteran pilots hardened by years of war with BoB/IT with a large sprinkling of eager newbies on top who will do anything to help. The Big 4 FCs (Laz, Vee, DBRB, Bring) are as good as or better than any other commander of fleets in the galaxy. Their cap pilots don’t login but thats a good thing because we’d probably have a lot more dead titans and supers on our hands.

    7) TEST Alliance Please Ignore. – An enormous blob of bumbling newbies and terrible posters with a sprinkling of hardened pilots building a foundation for the future. They are very enthusiastic about EVE, which is rare in this galaxy, and are working hard at learning to get better at it. TEST loves to troll other alliances and pilots and are always cooking up some sort of shenanigans to generate laughs with. Sometimes these trolls and laughs are pretty terrible, but we take the good with the bad.

    Together this crew of seven, assisted by a sprinkling of pilots from other groups like Apotheosis of Virtue, C0NVICTED, Sev3rance, and FCON, have been steamrolling though the North-West of the Galaxy since late summer. Our progress has been slow at some points and very quick in others, but it’s been inexorable. The advance of the Clusterfuck is Manifest Destiny.

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