Equipment transfer

There are 3 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Vishnu.

  • Hi
    Sorry I must be stupid but could someone give me precise instructions on how to transfer guns an stuff to my other character,I know I need another player to help me and I've tried it a couple of times,but I cant figure out how to transfer more than one item at a time.What do I click on and when?


  • instruction:

    find a second player online

    accept the trade request from the other player / wait till the other player has accepted the request and the trade window opens

    select the item, you want to trade on the left side of the trade window (your side)

    confirm that with clicking on the little hook in the lower middle part of the trade window

    (above the -accept- button)

    select the next item, you wanna trade and proceed the same way, as explained one step above

    according to money transfer:

    select your credits (left window)

    move the bar on the lower middle part of the window to the left side (so the ammount is changing to zero)

    type in the ammount you wanna give in the field (where it shows the zero now) (NOT using the num-pad)

    confirm with clicking on the little hook-icon right next to it (see steps above)

    if you have selected all you wanna trade (the middle part of the window is showing you all items you have selected to trade) click on -Accept-

    wait till the other player has accepted the trade as well.

    trade window is closing as soon the trade has been made

    if you have given away things, you will not hear any sounds

    if you have received any money, you will hear a 'confirming' sound of cash rolling in (like accomplishing a mission)

    I hope that helps you a bit.

    ps. if it tells you 'insufficiant cargo space' then the other player does not have enough cargo for the items you wanna give (batts, bots, ammunition)