Crossfire Champion's League (CCL) 19-26th Sep

There are 29 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Gast.

  • I am a future lawyer too, so shut your big mouth! ;)

  • When the revolution comes and Crossfire will be the most and free and open, enironmentally friendly and peaceful space opera where all pilots start their own farms and grown some organic flowers - the lawyers and telephone engineers will be first to the guillitine!

  • Okay, since I clearly stated that the event will NOT be held unless there are 15 or 16 applicants, the EVENT has been CANCELLED . And no, I will not hold the event with only 2 groups and mess up all my plans.
    Besides, I have better ideas for events for later, this was not a success OK, Im gonna try something else a bit later.

  • Tbh I have better ideas that came up right after I posted this thread.