The ''You`re Banned'' Game

There are 13,271 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by ILIYAN.

  • I ban Iliyan 'cos, hold another gif for showing appreciation.

    Also, like for Tyrion Lannister. One of the best characters in that show (maybe even THE best) and definitely among my favorites.

    I ban you because I totally agree with you, Tyrion is actually my very favorite character of Game of Thrones (among a few others), but Tyrion is my top favorite of that show.

    He was despised and hated just because he's a dwarf, he hated violence (unlike all others) and withstood with his integrity. Even when that b*tch of a king (Joffrey... maaan, the actor really played his role so well, so that we can dislike his character, HAHA) married Sansa Stark, Tyrion despite having no authority above that of the king and being despised/hated by his very own family, he still protected her no matter what.

    His father was also a really nice character that I liked a lot, a real king, however... when it came to his family, I really disliked it when he also despised his own son (Tyrion) and for the amazing man that he was, especially the hidden wisdom of Tyrion that his father didn't even consider just because he was a dwarf and had no physical strength, but his strength was his mind (besides his loving and caring character). Tywin's mistake also reminded me of:

    "And YAHWEH said to Samuel, Do not look on his appearance, nor to the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For man does not see what He sees. For man looks for the eyes, but YAHWEH looks for the heart."

    - 1 Samuel 16:7 (Hebraic Roots Bible)

    It's easy to judge someone by his outer appearance, but the heart is all that matters and Tyrion had the greatest heart of the Game of Thrones show.

    Tyrion also didn't care who was a Lannister, who was a Stark, or Targaryen... he cared about people. And despite everything, he remained true to himself and even improved over the years (till the final season), so when I look at Tyrion, I'm always reminded of:

    "But Elohim has chosen the foolish matters of the world to put to shame the wise, and Elohim has chosen the weak of the world to put to shame the strong. And Elohim has chosen the low-born of the world and the despised, and the ones that are not, that He might bring to naught the ones that are, so that no flesh should boast in His presence."
    - 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (TS2009)

    Because the prideful shall be brought down and the humble shall be lifted up.

    One of my other top favorite characters is Jon Snow, how from no one he turned out to be a great warrior and defender of the weak. Prince Oberyn Martell also could have been my top favorite if he didn't die ^^ , I really loved it how he stood up for Tyrion, even though he hated the Lannisters. Yeah, it was his way of fighting the Mountain to avenge his sister, but he still chose to fight for him (rather than let him die). Unfortunately his pride got him killed, I dislike some of his character traits, but if he lived he could have been also one of my top favorites.

    There are of course others, but... if I continue writing it'd be too much. ^^

    For conclusion, even though I stopped watching violent entertainment (I can tell you why if you want to know), Game of Thrones was full of it, but I did enjoy the show.

    PS: Thanks for reading through though, I couldn't make it shorter, lol.

  • I ban Iliyan 'cos, I didn't give a flak about Jon Snow, actually. One of the main beefs I had with Season 8 was that Jon Snow survived. He's a good personality, but IMO a boring character. I mean, think about it: he's noble, he's respected (well, not at first, but that changes), he's a peerless warrior, he has no ambitions, he even gets laid and doesn't have to resort to brothels. I mean... Ned Stark shown us what happens to such characters in GoT world, but Jon Snow nopes even that. He even comes back from the dead. He's way too ideal and therefore seems less real. I believe that real people (or at least, I am and I suppose it's the case for other people) are flawed. Strangely, one of my favorites is Brienne of Tarth who's pretty much the same (minus the popularity). So I guess it's also the taste at work.

    Kinda an inverse of Joffrey, which was an evil person but a fun character - because he was fun to hate.

    Really, GoT had plenty of such characters, besides Joffrey. Walder Frey, Ramsay Bolton, Petyr Baelish, Lysa Arryn, Balon Greyjoy, The High Sparrow, Cersei Lannister... They all were irredeemably evil and besides possibly Littlefinger, it was impossible to root for them. And it also was satisfying watching their downfall.

    Also speaking of Tyrion, he was hated not as much for being a dwarf but for the fact that his mother died giving birth to him. So his family (irrationally) held Tyrion responsible.

    Tywin, well... Tywin was smart and stood for his family. He just didn't account for others' stupidity as well as for how his displays of cruelty (e.g. what happened to Tyrion's first wife) affect others. Which resulted to him being shot in an outhouse by his own son.

    Well, other my favorite characters are Bronn (due to his wit and how outright mercenary he was), Davos Seaworth (due to being a rather simple man with a noble spirit) and Sandor Clegane (A person who has no illusions about what he is and what kind of world he lives in). And that's only those that I remembered right now.

    Eh, it's ok. I myself have a habit of explaining everything and making it long. I guess we both have a habit of analysing things, eh?

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited once, last by Ajay ().

  • I ban you Ajay COZ I actually don't have any beefs with Season 8. The writer did want to portray Jon Snow as a Messianic (Anointed) figure to save everybody and he did. I don't know why you find him boring, but he's actually my second favorite after Tyrion just because of the fact that he's noble, honest, respected, caring about everyone else but himself, a badass warrior and saves everybody (well ok, almost). Doesn't have to resort to brothels? ^^ You want him to be a playboy character always banging chicks? The fact that he didn't showed how awesome of a character he is, because instead of enjoying himself with sexual pleasure, he decided to rather go fighting for everybody else even though that they didn't even deserved it, because he cared for all the others (even the enemies of the Night Watch) more than himself. The resurrection was probably inspired by the resurrection of our Savior (YAHshua/Yeshua), but I didn't mind that at all, I actually liked it to be honest.

    He's way too ideal and therefore seems less real. I believe that real people (or at least, I am and I suppose it's the case for other people) are flawed. Strangely, one of my favorites is Brienne of Tarth who's pretty much the same (minus the popularity). So I guess it's also the taste at work.

    Define 'real' people? ^^ The fact that he is flawed is exactly what makes him ideal with all of the character qualities that he has, because if you think that you're perfect without having any flaws, then you're fake and only fooling yourself. Only the Creator is perfect, not any other creation, be that a human or a heavenly being.

    Ned Stark was indeed an awesome character, noble and respected man... always trying to do good and the fact that he got himself killed and not Jon Snow, was probably because Jon was sent to the Night Watch to be trained as a warrior and Ned was in the 'palace' surrounded by enemies, he couldn't have saved himself, yet despite of all the evil that was happening around him, he still remained true.

    The irony with all of the evil people is that they think because of the Power and Wealth that they posses, they think they can get away with anything, but that's not the case because Justice always prevails; that's why I respect and honor the people who choose to do what's right despite of all the difficulties. The funny thing is that even the Dragon Queen thought she was all-good, that she was the perfect ruler to fix everything, but she turned out to be yet another tyrant who was about to take the throne and if it wasn't for Jon Snow, she would have became the next Cersei, that's why Season 8 had to end like that. When you begin to pursue power and wealth for greedy gains, it'll corrupt you no matter how hard you're trying to avoid it. When you become selfish by pursuing these things, then it's game over, that's why very few people will be capable of that position, which is why Jon Snow had to take the Throne, because he proved that he cared for everybody else but himself.

    Do you know who were the other great characters? -> Samwell Tarly & Hodor, big guys with big hearts despite of all the ridicule that they got from everybody else. Hodor even for his size and strength, was never violent (like Sam) and even got himself killed trying to save the Raven and he did managed to do that.

    On that note, I'm especially fond of Theon Greyjoy as well, despite of the evil that he did in the past, he never stopped asking for forgiveness and tried to do right every single time. The minus though is that he still had to overcome fear, because he could have saved his sister when they ambushed them in the sea and of course he could have done more, but he never stopped trying to improve.

    Also speaking of Tyrion, he was hated not as much for being a dwarf but for the fact that his mother died giving birth to him. So his family (irrationally) held Tyrion responsible.

    Ooooh right, I totally forgot about that. Another fact how miserable these people are for hating someone who has no fault at all, if they want to blame someone, they should blame their mother for opening her legs prior to that. And I am not even stating the fact that no one knows when or how someone might die...

    Tywin, well... Tywin was smart and stood for his family. He just didn't account for others' stupidity as well as for how his displays of cruelty (e.g. what happened to Tyrion's first wife) affect others. Which resulted to him being shot in an outhouse by his own son.

    Indeed... and I loved how he spoke with authority, especially when everyone else was stupid for... whatever might have been the reason.

    Well, other my favorite characters are Bronn (due to his wit and how outright mercenary he was), Davos Seaworth (due to being a rather simple man with a noble spirit) and Sandor Clegane (A person who has no illusions about what he is and what kind of world he lives in). And that's only those that I remembered right now.

    Eh, it's ok. I myself have a habit of explaining everything and making it long. I guess we both have a habit of analysing things, eh?

    I also liked Bronn a lot, especially when he 'teamed up' with Tyrion and The Hound, Tormund as well, yeah... also other characters that I can't think of right now (they are just too many, haha).

    Yeah, we definitely do have that habit... I always test an analyze everything, but when it comes to our opinion on Game of Thrones here, who cares... after all it's all fictional ^^ , even though it does resemble the real world more or less.

    Edited 3 times, last by ILIYAN ().

  • I ban Iliyan 'cos, that's the point, Jon Snow was p much Westeros's Jesus and that was kinda uncanny valley for me. And it's not that he's flawless, it's any flaws he has either don't come into play or he overcomes them with little to none effort on his part. Like, when his soldiers rebelled against him? Mellisandre resses him. Ramsay Bolton outplays him during Battle of Bastards? Littlefinger of all people bails him out. Dany turns out to be Capital E Evil? It's Tyrion who has to hammer that into his head.

    But oh well, at least he did what an uncorrupted person like him would do and refused the Throne.

    I don't mean that I hate him or anything and I understand why people like him, I just personally don't find him very interesting. Again, I get attracted to characters that remind me of myself and/or that I can relate to. And he is everything I am not.

    (In fact, if I were to be absolutely flakking honest and make a list of the characters I can relate to the most, chances are the top of that list would be Littlefinger. Think about it.)

    You want him to be a playboy character always banging chicks?

    Actually, it would make him more interesting for me... if he was a total opposite. Just chaste or outright asexual. And maybe aromantic as a bonus. (Again, interesting for me, as that would have significantly changed his personality)

    I mean, GoT had full gamut of kinky people, that one would have fit perfectly. Though Stannis might have fit that one.

    And well, I always analyze characters from various works of fiction I encounter. Sometimes I even write it down.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited 7 times, last by Ajay ().

  • You do make a good point, but don't forget that this is Hollywood... which means that they can do whatever they want. ^^

    I do agree that in reality, Jon Snow wouldn't have made it thus far... unless of course he was backed up by the Most High or in other words that he had a divine purpose, by the way, all people have a purpose in life, but only a few have a purpose that requires major major changes, so maybe Jon Snow did have such a purpose.

    But oh well, at least he did what an uncorrupted person like him would do and refused the Throne.

    Maybe it was for the better, think about it... if the Dragon didn't destroy the Throne, they risked for another tyrant to sit on it. We knew that Jon Snow wasn't a tyrant, but who knows what might that do to him in time, because time changes people and they just can't be sure if he would remained true or not; he himself doubted it, so... perhaps that's why it was fated for that Throne to be destroyed.

    Because, how many people have fought for it? That lust for power and wealth? How many innocent people must suffer because of a few selfish evil people? One after another just like a cycle or a 'wheel' (as the Dragon Queen put it) sit on that Throne and act as dictators, doing whatever they please and get away with it.

    I don't mean that I hate him or anything and I understand why people like him, I just personally don't find him very interesting. Again, I get attracted to characters that remind me of myself and/or that I can relate to. And he is everything I am not.

    (In fact, if I were to be absolutely flakking honest and make a list of the characters I can relate to the most, chances are the top of that list would be Littlefinger. Think about it.)

    That's your problem, bro... why do you compare yourself to other people? Let alone fictional characters? Everyone is different and if you want to become someone else (i.e. better), you always have that opportunity -> Work for it. If you've heard that people can't change, that's a BIG FAT LIE. If you truly desire it, I can help you if you just let me.

    Actually, it would make him more interesting for me... if he was a total opposite. Just chaste or outright asexual. And maybe aromantic as a bonus. (Again, interesting for me, as that would have significantly changed his personality)

    I mean, GoT had full gamut of kinky people, that one would have fit perfectly. Though Stannis might have fit that one.

    And well, I always analyze characters from various works of fiction I encounter. Sometimes I even write it down.

    Well... I don't deny the fact that I always enjoy a playboy character, because you can always learn something new from him hitting on beautiful girls, you might learn some tricks (although everything comes from Real Life practice, as with... everything in life basically). And a guy who's loved by the hot girls is always welcoming sight, HAHAHAHA, yeah yeaaaah... I know, I love women too much, way too much sometimes.

    But again, don't forget that he is just a fictional character and that's how J.J. Martin wanted him portrayed as.

    And that's just my opinion and ordinary analysis of the GoT show... though that show is deeply connected to Faith (as pretty much every other Helliweird movie/show), so I won't bother you with that kind of analysis.

    Alright, alright... let me BAN you now just because I like that you also analyse things.

    Bro, how are you doing by the way? I hope everything's alright with you.

  • That's your problem, bro... why do you compare yourself to other people? Let alone fictional characters? Everyone is different and if you want to become someone else (i.e. better), you always have that opportunity -> Work for it. If you've heard that people can't change, that's a BIG FAT LIE. If you truly desire it, I can help you if you just let me.

    I ban Iliyan for thinking that "he is everything I am not" means that I hate myself for it. I used to have a low opinion on myself and I probably still do, but... To think about it, I'm perfectly content with what kind of person I am. Quoth Disturbed, "My own individuality is so unique, I'm one impressive motherflakker, now wouldn't you say?"

    It's people around me who have a problem with the way I am, so flak them.

    Well... I don't deny the fact that I always enjoy a playboy character, because you can always learn something new from him hitting on beautiful girls, you might learn some tricks (although everything comes from Real Life practice, as with... everything in life basically). And a guy who's loved by the hot girls is always welcoming sight, HAHAHAHA, yeah yeaaaah... I know, I love women too much, way too much sometimes.

    Well, that's the point. You love girls, and I - not really, since girls are people and I'm not a big fan of people in general.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • I ban Iliyan for thinking that "he is everything I am not" means that I hate myself for it. I used to have a low opinion on myself and I probably still do, but... To think about it, I'm perfectly content with what kind of person I am. Quoth Disturbed, "My own individuality is so unique, I'm one impressive motherflakker, now wouldn't you say?"

    I ba.... offf, forget that :D , bro... your low self-esteem is what makes you feel like that. If you don't change your thoughts, how can you expect to feel any different? The battlefield is in the Mind, because thoughts manifest into actions and if you are not waging the war daily in there, you won't have any changes (and NO, this is not some New Age/Satanic crap), this is a fact.

    If you're laying your hopes and worries in the world that we live in, you'll never be satisfied because Hope is found only in our Savior, YAHshua/Yeshua the Messiah (YAHWEH the Son), Whom the Heavenly Father sent to to save us all and He promises everlasting life beyond your imagination, but we have to endure until then. What you must do is simply - Believe / Obey / Endure until the end. The third part is essential though, because of the suffering that we endure we are able to be changed, as in "put into the fire" and purified as silver/gold, but you can't shine as a silver or gold without being beaten (experiencing pain); in order for Him to build you up, he has to break you into pieces first and of course you have to be willing to let Him.

    And no, I don't care that this is a Sci-Fi forum that we should only discuss only Sci-Fi subjects, we are also people behind the screens and we are free to express our opinions because of the freedom of speech, you can ignore it or accept it, I really don't care. I'm never (and will never) be ashamed of my faith and in Whom I trust.
    (Sorry, I just wanted to make that clear).

    But you're right about one thing here though, you are the one who makes the decisions. I just want to offer you the help, you are the one who decides whether to accept it or not.

    It's people around me who have a problem with the way I am, so flak them.

    Why do you even care, bro? Don't ever let the opinions of others affect you. There's nothing wrong of wondering what they might be thinking or what their opinion might be, but don't let it affect you, badly, that is. Because some people might actually care for you (and they do, I am one of them) and they are thinking only the best for you. However... there are also other people that are only thinking of how to bring you down to their level or how to make you feel miserable, don't let them.

    But know this, that in the last days hard times shall come. For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of silver (money), boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, thankless, wrong-doers, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, haters of good, betrayers, reckless, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Elohim, having a form of reverence but denying its power. And turn away from these!
    - 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (TS2009)

    Well, that's the point. You love girls, and I - not really, since girls are people and I'm not a big fan of people in general.

    Don't put every human under the same line. ;)

    Anyway, in case you want me to help you out dude, let me know, because that's what we do -> help each other. I accept whatever decision you make, bro, because everyone is free to think or do whatever he/she wants. Just know that we are thinking only the best for you and everyone else.

  • I ban Iliyan 'cos, I'm already running under this "Believe, Obey, Endure" thing. At least the last part is probably the reason why I am even alive now. The "everlasting life" part sounds discouraging for me though. I feel a bit tired for that.

    I do suspect something is really wrong with me though. Because

    For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of silver (money), boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, thankless, wrong-doers, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, haters of good, betrayers, reckless, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Elohim, having a form of reverence but denying its power.

    sounds way too much like me. At least I am aware I tick at least 6 of these criteria.

    Why do you even care, bro?

    Um, that's the point, I don't. Or at least I tell myself that I shouldn't.

    (Another question though, why do you care?)

    I'm never (and will never) be ashamed of my faith and in Whom I trust.

    And I'm not going to shame you for that. I'm not that flakking stupid.

    (Unless you're trying to rope me in into a sect/cult/whatever, and even then I'm not the person to get judgemental of people unless sufficiently pissed off.)

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited once, last by Ajay ().

  • I ban Iliyan 'cos, I'm already running under this "Believe, Obey, Endure" thing. At least the last part is probably the reason why I am even alive now. The "everlasting life" part sounds discouraging for me though. I feel a bit tired for that.

    I ban you COZ, well... it's really as simple as that. The Scriptures are like a "contract", He tells us what to do and if we do it, He blesses us, protects us and accepts us as His children and when the time comes, He will welcome us into His Kingdom. However, it's not as easy as it sounds because the desires of the Flesh are always fighting against the Spirit and you're the one to Whom you decide to give the control.

    I do suspect something is really wrong with me though. Because

    sounds way too much like me. At least I am aware I tick at least 6 of these criteria.

    That's the first sign -> conviction. The Ruach HaKodesh (Set-Apart Spirit/Wind/Breath - Holy Spirit, I avoid saying the word 'holy' because it's pagan from hinduism) convicts you and you're the one who has to make the choice afterwards. Do you continue living wrong or will you try to live right? -> It always comes down to the choice.

    I grew up in an Orthodox Christian family ever since birth, but that's religion and I was doing idolatry without realizing it (i.e. -> kissing icons, or the hands of bishops, bowing down to so called saints, in fact every real child of His is called a saint or kodesh [set-apart] and not whom the Church decides to call) you name it. I don't blame my parents though, they just don't know the Truth (unfortunately) and I'm still praying for them.

    By the end of 2014 (November), I had an angelic encounter (Hebrews 13:2) and immediately in January 2015, I've heard His voice, I kid you not. He said to me "Come to Me, My child" and ever since 2015 (till today) I'm in a relationship with the Heavenly Father through His Son. I can tell you all about my experiences, but maybe in a PM because I'd still like to respect those who don't want to hear it in a public thread, hence... I keep it to a bare minimum.

    I had been convicted of my sins and false beliefs, so I've been trying to live as He has said ever since. That's why I also don't use the names and titles such as: Lord, God, Jesus, Christ... because these are NOT His real Names & Titles, He even said it that people will change His Name to Ba'al (translated as LORD) in Jeremiah 23:27 and also in the Third Commandment "Do Not take My Name in vain" - in vain is translated as to "bring to nothing" or "to replace" and of course among other places throughout The Scriptures.

    But don't think I lived perfectly prior to that, dude... I usually don't talk about my personal life, because I was tormented (bullied) 10 years by people, both physically and verbally because I was all alone, skinny and isolated, i.e. they singled me out because I was an easy prey, probably because I was different and not violent and afraid to defend myself; which destroyed me back then, because when you're that young, when you are not developed yet... the effect is devastating, not to mention that some people just don't endure it and take their lives (yes, I had also considered it back then, several times in fact, but no worries, my wrists are fine, my whole body is). Basically, when you go to school, you expect the worse, but when you get back home and play Crossfire, you suddenly forget all about it (and of course go out with real friends). I'll always be grateful to OP and this community for welcoming me as their own, even though that we just played the game for fun.

    Though, I've already forgiven anyone who has ever hurt me physically or verbally (I keep doing so) and the irony is that these same people are now tiny compared to me and I can crush them with ease, because I'm growing stronger every single day, both Body (Working Out and Keeping a Health Life) & Spirit (being empowered by YAHWEH Elohim), but I am not violent and never will be. However, if they do try it again I will defend myself because I won't let them damage the Temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

    So, trust me when I tell you that I know a lot about suffering, a lot... and I even still bare the scars. Not to mention even some family matters throughout the so many years, especially back in 2007/2008 when going to Greece to see our relatives (yes, I'm from a greek family/origin), an ambulance being in a hurry almost hit us head-on, it was in the VERY last second that it avoided us, it was a miracle. Or more recently (just a few years ago), when my mom had cancer and YAHWEH healed her. I myself had been in perhaps several near-death experiences [not sure], but I think I was. Praise the Most High that He protects us and keeps us all safe, all my family are alive and well; and these are just some of my personal life stories.

    So, again... I know a lot about suffering and pain, my friend.

    -> It was only fair that I share some of my personal life, because I've seen that you shared yours.

    Um, that's the point, I don't. Or at least I tell myself that I shouldn't.

    (Another question though, why do you care?)

    If you didn't, I don't think you would even be thinking about it, but if I'm wrong, then I apologize. :)

    Why do I care? As in, why do I care about you? Because that's who I am, I don't want anyone to suffer or be in pain. I will never force myself upon anyone, but what I will do is try and help out if I can, if it's within my abilities, because that's what I love to do -> Help Out and Be of Use.

    And I'm not going to shame you for that. I'm not that flakking stupid.

    (Unless you're trying to rope me in into a sect/cult/whatever, and even then I'm not the person to get judgemental of people unless sufficiently pissed off.)

    Sorry, I didn't mean to call you stupid (or anything rather), I was just making a statement because this is a public forum. And no, I don't belong to any denomination or a cult, praise the Most High.

    Anyway, I do wish you all do best, man and I'm always here in case you want to talk or need any help that I can offer.

    I'll probably write tomorrow, because my brother (real life friend) has an occasion for celebration, so I'll be opening the champagne later, haha.

    Take care, dude!

    Edited 2 times, last by ILIYAN ().

  • I ban Iliyan 'cos, might be too late for me. I have long since scrapped most of my hopes and dreams on the slipway. Hence why I don't work out. No use of strong body without a strong will.

    It was only fair that I share some of my personal life, because I've seen that you shared yours.

    That's the further proof that I have next to no will. In a couple of posts I blurted out everything there is to know about me, despite my resolve to not trust other people.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • I ban you Ajay because It's never too late.

    Edited 2 times, last by ILIYAN ().

  • I ban Ilyan 'cos, I might need help, but I know I'm not worth it. After all, He has better things to do than help some loser like me, so that's a last resort for me. THE last resort. Until that, I've gotta work it out on my own.

    In retrospect, it's pathetic how little it took me to become completely dismotivated. But oh well, I've always been weird. And lazy. So here we are.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited 3 times, last by Ajay ().

  • I ban you cuz everyone needs help from time to time.

    but I know I'm not worth it. After all, He has better things to do than help some loser like me, so that's a last resort for me. THE last resort.

    You think the prophets and the Apostles (and everyone else He chose) were all perfect? He chooses people who are low, rejected, despised, hated, broken to shame the strong and the proud.

    This is the reason:

    "And YAHWEH said to Samuel, Do not look on his appearance, nor to the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For man does not see what He sees. For man looks for the eyes, but YAHWEH looks for the heart."

    - 1 Samuel 16:7 (Hebraic Roots Bible)

    "But Elohim has chosen the foolish matters of the world to put to shame the wise, and Elohim has chosen the weak of the world to put to shame the strong. And Elohim has chosen the low-born of the world and the despised, and the ones that are not, that He might bring to naught the ones that are, so that no flesh should boast in His presence."
    - 1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (TS2009)

    (When YAHWEH told Samuel to anoint the next King of Israel [David] because they wanted a human king like all of the other nations had, so YAHWEH said "Alright then"; and so Samuel went to the family and he made the mistake of looking only at the ones who looked the biggest and strongest, but YAHWEH rejected them one by one until no one was left. And so, Samuel wondered and asked the family -> Are all of these your sons? and they said "No, we have another" and he went to see him and there he was, this boy, the smallest and youngest of them all and YAHWEH chose him because of his heart).

    I guess I don't need to tell you who King David was...

    If you are broken or low, His power can flow through you because:

    And He said to me, “My favour is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, then, I shall rather boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Messiah rests on me. Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for the sake of Messiah. For when I am weak, then I am strong. I have become a fool – you have compelled me. For I should have been commended by you, for in no respect was I behind the most eminent emissaries, though I am a nobody.
    - 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 (TS2009)

    When you have a hardened heart, you wouldn't listen. When you are proud and boastful, you wouldn't let Him use you. In order for Him to use you, He has to break you first.

    But oh well, I've always been weird. And lazy. So here we are.

    Everyone is weird in one way or another ^^ , which makes us all unique. If you want a change, you have to be willing and work for it... there's no way around it; and the good news is that there's Hope.

    Edited once, last by ILIYAN ().

  • He has to break you first.

    I ban Iliyan 'cos, I guess that was what happened... except that my heart wasn't hardened before, and it is now as a result. Now I'm way too broken to listen, to even want to change, to even want to want to change. I guess that's what one could say "beyond economic repair" (as in, repairs are possible, but it's gonna take so much time, effort and resources that nobody's gonna bother).

    Nice job.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

    Edited once, last by Ajay ().

  • Now I'm way too broken to listen, to even want to change,

    I ban you Ajay, because no matter how broken you are, nothing is impossible for the Almighty (Matthew 19:26 / Luke 1:37 / Philippians 4:13 / Jeremiah 32:17 / Jeremiah 32:27 / Romans 8:31).

    to even want to want to change. I guess that's what one could say "beyond economic repair" (as in, repairs are possible, but it's gonna take so much time, effort and resources that nobody's gonna bother).

    Exactly, everyone lives by choices, you have to make yours. And to be honest, I am still in progress... that would actually be my whole life. He promises to give us new bodies (transformed, as we used to have them in the Garden before the Fall, the same that the heavenly beings have because He is going to restore everything, a New Earth & Heaven, even better than now) at the end (resurrection) to those who are His children, but until then we have to endure and make the best we can, that's all that matters and what's necessary.

    Anyway, if I make you uncomfortable talking about it and wish to change the subject, I apologize and go ahead... but I wanted to say all of these things because I care, so in case you want to talk -> I am here.

  • 'cos, that is one beef I have with that.

    How so? The core of our belief (ok, one of them) is in the Resurrection, because The Heavenly Father sent His Son to die for our sins, because the wages of sin (transgression -> of the law) is death. Let me give you an illustration of the whole thing:

    Imagine a court room, with the Judge, Jury, Lawyer, Prosecutor and of course the person being judged. Now, let's put the identities:

    Judge - The Father
    Lawyer - The Son
    (Although in the Scriptures [John 5:22] it's written that the Father has entrusted all judgement to the Son, but let's just continue with the illustration)
    Prosecutor - HaSatan (The Adversary)
    Jury - Heavenly Beings (Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Ophanim, etc.)

    When the Prosecutor starts displaying your transgressions (because he accuses us before the Most High day and night until he is kicked out in the End, and Devil is another title for -> Accuser, hence his accusing when someone slips to have something to accuse him/her for before the Most High) one after another... you are guilty and you get the death penalty. However, if you have trusted the Son your whole life, walked righteously (righteous just means - right doings) UNTIL the end (cuz once saved - always saved is a false doctrine), He then will say something like: "Look Father, I have paid for Him" and you'll avoid the death penalty.

    However, everyone else who had not put their trust in Him (i.e. nonbelievers), they will have to stand on their own without a Lawyer. I can write you a lot about the reasons WHY, the Fall and everything, but this is the core of the belief -> that He was without sins [because the Almighty can't sin] and willingly gave His life for us so we can have the gift of everlasting life), this is the ultimate love that we human beings can't even grasp.

    Anyway, I ban you coz here's more concerning the resurrection of the body, I've decided to just take the photo with the iPhone instead of copying/pasting the verses and marked the part about the resurrection:

  • I ban Iliyan 'cos, I'm just not looking forward to living (or to be specific, existing) forever. Simple as that.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • Alright... if that's truly your choice, then I ban you coz I believe it's time to change the subject if we are not going to talk about it any longer.

    And see ya [probably] in Sunday, dude.

  • I ban Iliyan 'cos, can't say for the future... things might change afterall and I might have to alter my course. But so far, I have no reason to.

    I believe it's time to change the subject

    Heh, I think we passed that mark 14 posts ago. But oh well, I felt the need to get this out of my system. Doing that in public though, might be not the best solution, but again, I have never been careful with my words. Too used to wearing my heart on my sleeve.

    I guess when my time to stand in the court you described comes, the Prosecutor's going to have his work cut out for him.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".