Help!!! - Prison Locations

There are 18 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SamSoNight.

  • Hello to everyone and this is my first request for Crossfire Mod.

    I was hoping if someone could please tell me where there are other prison stations that can be found. I know about the two located in the Texas system but I cannot seem to find any others .. is there any others?

    Thanks in advance for any positive feedback.

  • Yes, there's one in Hamburg and one in, umm, was that Manchester? They're both a bitt off the beaten track.
    Then there are more in the new systems, you'll find them easily if you just explore a bit.

  • LOL :D I am currently playing single player missions but I guess you all figured that out by now. The reason I ask for these prison stations is so I can make some quick $$$ dollars $$$

    <<<< I am so looking forward to going to these new systems >>>>

    Thanks Lucy for your input .. others, if you care then please share .. Thank you!

  • Damn!!! and I was so next to that system also before turning back and giving up hope due to level restrictions.

    Thank Ancalagon for your input .. anyone else please ????

  • its in the lower regions of the system, surrounded by mines. I can recommend to try the Huntsville prison in texas - easy to reach without any big hazards around^^ In texas very near to the main planet..

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Sunriser1972
    Umm Lucy, I am currently in Manchester and I cannot find this prison station .. can you please direct me??? I would be greatly appreciated as I have a cargo full of escape pods! LOL!

    Manchester, BPA Newgate, smack on the crosshairs of coordintates 5/6 D/E.
    Beware of the mines.

  • Woohoo!!!! Big thank you Lucy for your help, I have found the one at Manchester :]

    PS: [-=[T-R-F]=-Huor_Súrion] I would of gone back to the Texas system but as you know with Single Player that once you get to the Leeds system, Liberty Space becomes Hostile against you... so unfortunately I cannot take that route.

    PPS: I will join Multi player game once I become somewhat familar with all the new systems .. besides I have a few issues I need to sort out first before I can even get a chance to do so ... but .. I am .. coming!!!!

  • Vega, Alaska, and... Neophobos I think?

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • hope to see you (and get your taxes) soon 8)

    fly safe

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Silent Surfer
    Alaska what ever its called and shikoku

    Please ask before visiting Alaska in Multiplayer and a |PX| is online, thx.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."