Battleships and docking....

There are 25 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • half-pipe lol :D [its Newark btw :)]

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  • if you explain something to others and they dont get the point then its not because they are too stupid... its because you didnt explain it correctly
    (one of the many truths in life)

    when i say that nothing will change on that issue then i mean that nothing will change on that issue
    i am fully aware of what you mean... and i am fully aware of the problem that is causing that you describe
    it is a simple docking script that lets npcs dock with such moorings... bringing them into the right position... the right angle... and the right distance to let it look like they dock with that station
    fact is... they dont really dock with it... it just looks like they would do
    fact is... you are no npc which can run scripts
    conclusion: this stupid shit wont change

    are they ways around this problem... yes (just look what ive done with the mooring fixtures and do the same with all stations)
    why will i never consider to fix it?
    1. i could do what i did with the mooring fixtures with the result that the entire balance of the game would break together... ruining the fun for all players
    2. i could remove the mooring ability completely from that stations... with the result that you wont get stuck.... and that npcs will get problems to do their jobs and run their scripts... the environment would start to look a bit weired when 20 npc trains are waiting for a docking permission that will never be given to them.... with the final result that the gameplay is also fucked up

    so which of these choices does please you?

    I am the modder.... if i say no then i mean no.... dont discuss with me about decisions that already have been made



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
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    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Just as a matter of interest. I played Disco for a long time and in there you can dock whatever to whatever. Trains / BS's and all the rest can dock any station /planet / shipyard. I see the relevance in BS/ Trains not docking other ships or stations smaller than themselves but Shipyards? Surely these ships should be able to dock shipyards as they get built in there in the first place. Also the trading oppurtunities for trains are horribly scarce as it is. Maybe enabling docking at larger stations is not nessecarily a bad idea. Another option was cargo pods. How come the damm things are useless? The train takes a full load on its own with or without the pods. That's just stupid. Rather make the train's own cargo hold smaller /like 500 units / and enable enlargenment by adding the pods up to like maybe 10 or 20 000 even. A possibility would be to limit the pods to the type of cargo they can carry. Like there's already different types availble with the names coded to the product they can carry. Then the players can carry only that type of cargo and routes could then be more logical. For instance: We all know Stuttgart produces the best foodstuffs due that carbon dioxide rich atmosphere. So obviously food needs to be cargoed from there to areas where its needed. NOT from desert planets used for mining minerals to Stuttgart. Maybe there could be a general purpose cargo pod too to enable other goods and create more trading oppurtunities. But these might not e able to carry dangerous goods like Alien Organsims or such.
    Just ranting a bit but some of the logic in game doesnt always make sense to me.


    Originally posted by ʇǝuƃɐɯ

    naah docking w/ stations would mess up the balance. besides - then the trains could be able to do it too. ofc i'd like to do custo run in 100% train not train/pup combo :)
    I'll try that station docking l8r to see it myself...

  • the decision to limit the docking possibilities indeed has a balancing reason
    those ships have massive cargo holds and docking at that many stations would cause uber traderoutes

    the cargopods are for the cargopod market
    it is not possible to extend the cargospace with them or link them to goods
    but you can make extra money trading those pods on the pod market



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!