Notice of Absence

There are 26 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by supercars.

  • Keep it real and Keep it safe, Block.

    In the meantime, M8, you are in our thoughts and the CF universe awaits your safe return..

    Super should throw you a GIGANTIC server-party when you get back.. with all the Custo whiskey you can drink! What do you say, Super? ;)

    SMG_Mizibelle, SMG_Spellcaster, SMG_Hellcat

    “Being a mercenary... Hey, we just go wherever there's a mixture of money and trouble, and everyone in the galaxy is a potential customer."

  • Mizibelle we do not enter Custodian.

    I do not personally drink.

    I will give him a warm welcome.

    Block can you confirm if the the Big Buddha Statues are blown up ? :(


  • Yes, they are, saw a documentary recently

    And all my best wishes to you, Block.

  • @SUPER
    You may be right, but i won't risk it to take a look. I don't want to be blasted or shot down on my last days in this dusty hell of a country. I've now access to the internet, but it's to slow to play :(
    It takes nearly five minutes to open the forum...

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