mod crashes when docking with lost collision groups

There are 19 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by sona1111.

  • pretty much what the title says, i finished balancing collision groups for a liberty dreadnought, and everything works fine and works as planned, but there are 2 crashes:

    1) the front part of the ship can come off without destroying the ship. this works ok, but if the ship docks like this the game crashes.

    2) the engine being destroyed does kill the ship, but the ship has a long death fuse, and if the inventory is opened up after the engines is destroyed, the game crashes.

    to let you know a little more about this, all the collision groups were taken out, but people want them, so i am tring to balance it correctly. this means that i copied my collision groups and "simples" from vanilla FL, then edited them. also the ship has 2 main death fuses, one if the root health dies, and one if the reactor core gets destroyed. if the root dies there is alot of little explosions leading up to a huge one that kills the ship. if the core dies, the ship gets alot of "impulse" entries as to move it forward, as it moves, all the pieces start flying off...

    if you need to know any more information, tell me.

  • 1. is it possible that the hpMount is aligned to the front of that ship?
    if so that is the problem since the hpmount is used for docking sequences

    2. the fuses contain an area where the cargo is destroyed.. if this happens too soon it could cause such crashes



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  • for #1 i will check, but im not sure because the ship does the dock menuver ok, but then it gets to the point where your screen turns black the game dies, but god idea ill check it.

  • ok, in hard cmp the "hpmount" is positioned infront of the ship, but it is attached to the root, so i dont think its the problem. any other ideas?

  • not without having more details



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  • info about the ship
    maybe you can upload the cmp somewhere (in case it is an edited one)



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  • i do have an account on, but i need your email adress to be able to send the file. if you have a better site tell me it.

  • signew.jpg


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  • yes i got a mail... ill see if i can have a look at the files tomorrow



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  • the cmp does look good and so does the fuse

    on a few hp of the shiparch im not 100% sure yet... ingame tests would be required but right now its a bit problematical to do this for me



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  • sry didnt have the time yet and in the next few weeks it doesnt look that good with time

    so i would say you have to do the tests

    1. what happens when all collisions groups are mounted

    2. what happens when that front is off

    3. get an error log (often hardpoint related errors are stored there)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
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  • thanks for any info youve gave, but i still cant seem to fix this. ive waited a while to post, if you could come up with anything that would be nice.

    1: when nothing is broken the ship docks as normal.

    2: when the front is off everything works just like its supposed to until the ship docks. the actual ship docking part (requesting to dock, doing to the dock point) works fine. so it is not a problem with HPMount. however as soon as the point is reached and the ship docks, the game crashes.

    3: a link to one would be nice, please.

    sorry if im bothering you, but it would be realy nice to have this solved.

  • sorry i didnt have much time lately

    but maybe it has something to do with the planet site scripts... there the ship should be loaded as a whole with all collision groups and not with one missing
    maybe thats the reason for the crash (just a theory)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
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    i never would have though it was something as stupid as that, but lol your right. i just completely disabled seeing the ship at all and it didnt crash.

    this may be a temporay fix, but how would i make it jut disable for certain ships, or work normally?

  • u never stop running into problems lol

    ehmm - ill need to think about that a bit ^^



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
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