More accurate NPC's

There are 4 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • You want an NPC to shot more human like well try this.

    In the Data\Missions folder open pilots_story.ini look for [GunBlock looks like the one below.

    nickname = story_gun_fighter_a
    gun_fire_interval_time = 0
    gun_fire_interval_variance_percent = 0.500000
    gun_fire_burst_interval_time = 3
    gun_fire_burst_interval_variance_percent = 0.200000
    gun_fire_no_burst_interval_time = 2.000000
    gun_fire_accuracy_cone_angle = 3
    gun_fire_accuracy_power = 1.250000
    gun_fire_accuracy_power_npc = 4.000000
    gun_range_threshold = 1.100000
    gun_target_point_switch_time = 1.000000
    fire_style = multiple
    auto_turret_interval_time = 0
    auto_turret_burst_interval_time = 3
    auto_turret_no_burst_interval_time = 1.500000
    auto_turret_burst_interval_variance_percent = 0.400000
    gun_range_threshold_variance_percent = 0.150000

    Change to this For every [GunBlock nickname = story_gun xxxxxxxx

    gun_fire_interval_time = 0.000000
    gun_fire_interval_variance_percent = 0.500000
    gun_fire_burst_interval_time = 3.000000
    gun_fire_burst_interval_variance_percent = 0.200000
    gun_fire_no_burst_interval_time = 2.000000
    gun_fire_accuracy_cone_angle = 3.000000
    gun_fire_accuracy_power = 8.500000
    gun_fire_accuracy_power_npc = 8.500000
    gun_range_threshold = 1.100000
    gun_target_point_switch_time = 1.000000
    fire_style = multiple
    auto_turret_interval_time = 0.000000
    auto_turret_burst_interval_time = 1.000000
    auto_turret_no_burst_interval_time = 0.500000
    auto_turret_burst_interval_variance_percent = 0.200000
    gun_range_threshold_variance_percent = 0.100000

    Now if that is to hard just change these 2 entries to a lower number utill you have what you want.
    gun_fire_accuracy_power = 8.500000 <---lower to 7.5 or 6.5 etc
    gun_fire_accuracy_power_npc = 8.500000 <---lower to 7.5 or 6.5 etc

  • Sorry but I'm quite stupid ... [7] didn't get it...

    you meant "more human" as to say to give'em more "imperfection" or the contrary, i.e. the NPC are too stupid so we give them better AI?

    Not futile question is that I'm really interested in improving their AI, indeed I play with semi-newtonian physics in game so ships go fast and the NPC are quite too stupid..[677]

    ... I found a good compromise reducing linear_drag in ships to 0 and in engines to 1/50, so faster and enough more inertia (not total otherwise the ships are uncontrollable by AI and crash everywhere...)

    By thehway, maybe you know also how to improve the GUNS' RANGE?? :rolleyes:

  • npc gun shots are not very precise even if you dont move

    it can be changed so the npc is only aiming at the middle of the ship or that the npc does calculate where the ship is moving to

    the range of the weapons can be changed in the weapons_equip.ini



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • weapons_equip.ini , yes, but is it enough to change the projectiles' life-time?

    Still, I don't get if the improvements in this tutorial aim to make NPC shoot better or worse ?? ?(

    thanks for the help :):)

  • its meant to make those weapons better



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!