how can i make a clan and own planets?

There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by |KoH|-Bahamut.

  • To make your organization simply speak to OP about options. While you can have a clan without owning a system, to be a full-fledged server clan you must pay rent on a system (you can chose from a large selection if I'm not mistaken). Once you have done that you and all of your members must make sure that all of your characters have your clan's tags. I hope this helps, maybe somebody could explain it better. :)

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D: