
There are 7 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by magnet.

  • Last Saturday, August 25, 2007, we had a big birthday party for me on Daedalus.

    Inferno hosted the party, it was his idea, and we invited everyone on the server to attend. I announced the party in the universal chat for everyone to come.

    BG, IOC and MN I remember seeing them at the party, BG brought some whiskey and IOC presents.

    Inferno had the great idea of doing a top gun event and we did. IOC_Picard won the event.

    My point is, we all had a great time, and we didnt discuss any issues like: you killed me with no reason, bla bla bla; you didnt say anything before you shoot me, bla bla bla bla.

    I dont know how many times I been killed with no reason or no word spoken to me, and I dont care, I just got back up, get in my fighter and hunt the player and have fun killing him or dying trying.

    This is a game, we all come here to relax and have a good time, no to discuss or get pissed off for nonsenses.

    Every time we have a discussion in the game or in the forum is bad for Crossfire and the community, and we are the community. I will love to see more players online to be able to have more targets to tax and kill.

    I am not trying to start a discussion here, and I am not accusing anyone, this is only my point of view for what I seen in the last days as a Server Police.

    Please, everyone have a good time and enjoy the game. We are all friends here on way or another. Lets have fun.

    Canoso out.

  • Couldnt have put it better myself m8....... it was a very fun evening and like you say no one abusing anyone just plain old good fun maybe you should have some more birhtday's hehe like every week rofl.

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  • Yep couldnt have said it better kinda touching lol but still very true. Well the rumors about pirates throwing good parties arnt wrong. Nice party and have fun. :):):)

  • True, Canoso. I fully agree.

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Cpt. Alucard
    You could always through another party!!!! i wanna go to a party!!!! X(

    Uh make ur own just say ur buying the whiskey then u will get alot of ppl but dont think they will b the friendly kind lol ;) They do have a tendency to tax though.

  • Maybe "The Great Birthday Party Event" should be created ^^

    N.S.D.D.S.P 4EVER!

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