Images and videos in category “Command & Conquer (franchise)”
Command & Conquer (abbreviated as C&C or CnC) is a real-time strategy video game franchise, first developed by Westwood Studios. The first game was one of the earliest of the RTS genre, itself based on Westwood Studios' landmark strategy game Dune 2 and introducing trademarks followed in the rest of the series. This includes full motion video cutscenes with a notable ensemble cast to progress the story, as opposed to digitally in-game rendered cutscenes.
The Scorpions
- 490
- 0
- 2
The Brotherhood Beam
- 568
- 0
- 3
"We stand together!"
- 488
- 4
- 3
"The thunderstorm begins..."
- 631
- 5
- 2
Somebody's base: totally screwed.
- 504
- 0
- 3
"Reinforcements Have Arrived"
- 490
- 0
- 1
Black Hand: More flamers than a Sororitas convent.
- 565
- 1
- 2
The essence of Nod playstyle.
- 579
- 2
- 1
"From the depths of Hell in silence..."
- 605
- 0
- 1
The Fireteam
- 561
- 0
- 2
- 545
- 0
- 3
ROTR screenshot.
- 601
- 2
- 2
The Forgotten Mod
- 518
- 0
- 1
A Nod Base
- 529
- 2
- 2
Nod MCV unpacking
- 1,128
- 3
- 1