"The thunderstorm begins..."

C&C Generals: Zero Hour. Trio of Chinese Helix class helicopters (loosely based of real Ka-27, which has NATO reporting name Helix)
The Helix is a Chinese transport helicopter capable of lifting five troopers or a vehicle: tanks take up three slots and Construction Dozer - five. By default Helix is armed with a light machine gun, but each individual Helix can be upgraded to drop Napalm Bombs. In addition, similarly to Chinese Overlord tanks, Helix can mount an additional upgrade: Bunker (can't lift vehicles but gets fireports for infantry, pictured to the left), Speaker Tower (gives a healing/repair aura that also buffs rate of fire, middle) and Gatling Cannon (Self-explanatory, also detects stealth units, right).
Chinese Infantry and Nuke generals have their own versions. Nuke General's Helix is overall identical but can drop low-yield nukes instead of napalm bombs. Infantry General's Assault Helix can't mount Speaker Towers or Gatling Cannon, but can fit 8 infantrymen.

Comments 5

  • Well then try the Nuke Helix from General Tao,then the War begins srsly :D especially in the Shockwave Mod,where he has got his own Nuke Tank Hunters,which are sooo good in the Helix...or also in Shockwave the Tank General's "Heavy Lift" Helix,which is able to transport Tanks efficient...

    • Read the last paragraph of the description, I mentioned Tao's variation. Also I still remember AssHelix with 8 Mortar Troopers from Project Raptor mod.

    • Ooops,flew over the words like an eagle :).And I haven't tried these mods,the first time in Rise of the Reds I hadn't any ideas of what to built :/

  • Are there also Mi-24? These always were with Apaches my favourite "destruction" machines.

    • Sadly nope, since China has less air presense (only MiG 1.44 and Helix). However, mods Rise of the Reds and The End of Days add Russia as 4th side and both have Mi-24s. On that note we share our opinion on the "Crocodiles".