Freelancer Add Radius 2.0

fladdradius v2.0

Fixes from v1.0

* Works properly with ships oriented to face backwards (Thanks Silvik)
* Works properly with ships that are not equal lengths (positive value to
negative value) from origin to extremes (Thanks Silvik)
* File left open on error bug fixed

Updates from 1.0a

* Now works directly on the .cmp files, resaving to same file.
Comes with a batch file called auto.bat so it can process all .cmps
put in it's directory.

What is it?

This program fills in the radius data (and bounding box information if neccessary)
for Freelancer custom ships.

It can handle ships with multiple components (eg Tachyon the Fringe's Battleaxe)
but gives each component the bounding box and radius of whole ship. I don't know
if this will cause any problems but i'm working on a solution to this anyway.

For those that look at the source code : It is not elegant or even well written,
but it works so i'm happy :) It was written under Dev C++ v4 (freeware, gcc based)
so should compile under pretty much anything you use on it.

Why would I want to do this to my models?

This fixes custom ships that vanish if their center is not visable (all that is left
visible is the guns & equipment floating in the air). Filling in the bounding box
data may help with other aspects of the game (they probably exist for a reason).

Ok, so what the hell do I do then?

Direct useage :
fladdradius2 <file.cmp>

Automated :
Put all the .cmp files you want to process in fladdradius2 directory.
Run 'auto.bat'
(or 'auto.bat > log.txt' to leave the feedback in a file)


Mario Brito (Revan) - UTF Editor, Original CMP exporter, Info on Exelcia forums
Duncan Boden (Brutus) - Info on radius element in VMeshRef section
Silvik - Bug report that allowed 2 major and 1 minor fixes


This program is free and open source. Do what the hell you please with it, but don't
call it your own work. Anyone trying to make profit from this software will be
tutted at by an elderly aunt.

I take no responibility for any loss, damage, ill-health, injury, death or
stampeding goats that occur during use of this program.

Problems/Bug Reports/Whatever

mail :
TLR forums : Anton

Cheers, Tony

  • Version
