Empire Mod V3.2 (2019) 3.2

The Moesian Federation slowly gain control in Sector Sirius in its battle for restoring peace in the area. Of cource most of the time trough indirect support of the Independant factions :)

Changes in Freelancer made available by this - 3.2 version of the mod.

================================= SYSTEMS =================================

- Moesia Minor connected with Omicron Alpha

- Moesia Minor connected with Moesia Alpha

- Omicron Alpha connected with Omicron Theta

- Omicron Alpha connected with Omicron Minor

- Maximum drawn distance - 500000

- Planet Carinea - dockable (Omicron Alpha)

- Planet Mallorca - dockable (Omicron Alpha)

- Planet Moesia - dockable (Moesia Minor)

- Planet Solaria - dockable (Moesia Minor)

- Planet Elvia - dockable (Moesia Alpha)

- Assault Carrier Kaucass - dockable (Moesia Minor) - fixxed by Alexxassa Rubio (aka X1Servo)

- colour - Black@Lazurit; class "Dronnt"; - Must drink a beer or coke to launch - otherwise crashes :)

- Assault Cruiser Proton; class "Atlon" - dockable (Moesia Minor) - fixxed by Alexxassa Rubio (aka X1Servo)

- Must drink a beer or coke to launch - otherwise crashes :)

- Xzzarra Fix Depot - dockable (Moesia Minor) - fixxed by Alexxassa Rubio (aka X1Servo)

- TYria Ice Field - mineable (Moesia Minor) - fixxed by Alexxassa Rubio (aka X1Servo)

- Vrorrl Ice Field - mineable (Moesia Minor) - fixxed by Alexxassa Rubio (aka X1Servo)

- Yria Base - dockable (Moesia Minor)

- Mjolhirr Gas Miner - dockable (Moesia Minor)

- Alvara Asteroid Field - mineable (Omicron Alpha)

- Hispania Asteroid Field - mineable (Omicron Alpha)

- Nikeu Station - dockable (Omicron Alpha)

- Aerolite Industries Shipyard [Beta] - dockable (Omicron Alpha) -(placed by Alexxassa Rubio)

- Corrmorant Space Port - dockbale (Moesia Minor) - (placed by Alexxassa Rubio)

- Check Point Alpha - dockable (Moesia Alpha)

- Alluria Asteroid Field - mineable/really radioactive (Moesia Minor) - (fixxed by Alexxassa Rubio)

- Crotter Asteroid Field - mineable (Moesia Minor)

- Planet Lluzia - not dockable

- Borgman Depot - dockable (Moesia Minor) - (placed by Wolfram Dinger)

- Tripoli Shipyard - visually modified (Omicron Gamma)

- Kabukicho Depot - visually changed (New Tokyo)

- Kagoshima Depot - visually changed (Kyushu)

================================== SHIPS ==================================

- Cruise speed = 450

- Trade lane speed = 3000

- All speeds - visible

- Player ship engine trail - visible

- SX Spider - interceptor - (Planet Moesia, Moesia Minor); (Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor);

(Planet Carinea, Omicron Alpha); (Borgman Depot, Moesia Minor)

- SX Scorpion - V interceptor - (Planet Moesia, Moesia Minor); (Assault Carrier Kaucass, Moesia Minor)

- BR Interloper - defender - (Planet Manhattan, New York); (Planet Carinea, Omicron Alpha)

- AX Freighter - freighter - (Planet Pitsburgh, New York); (Planet Carinea, Omicron Alpha)

- ZL Pirate Dron - heavy fighter - (Rochester Base, New York); (Planet Mallorca, Omicron Alpha)

- TS Shuttle - light fighter - (Planet Harris, Tau 31)

- B2 Tanker - attack freighetr - (Planet Cambridge, Cambridge)

- Camara Freighter - freighter - (Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha)

- ZX Pirate Train - transport - (Aerolite Indistries Shipyard [Beta], Omicron Alpha)

- L Cougar - light fighter - (Freeport 2, Bering)

- M Freighter - f freighter - (Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor); (Planet Mallorca, Omicron Alpha)

- SL Patriot - heavy fighter - (Xzzarra Fix Depot, Moesia Minor)

- S Typhoon - heavy fighter - (Yanagi Depot, Sigma 13)

- VS Reliant - transport - (Helgoland Station, Sigma 13)

- Watan - pirate fighter - (Islay Base, Edinburgh)

- Gladius - light fighter - (Arranmore Base, Dublin)

- New - light fighter - (Cadiz Base, Omega 5)

- Y-F Unker - light fighter - (Kreuzberg Depot)

- Tulia Freighter - heavy freighter - (Tripoli Shipyard, Omicron Gamma)

- UX Draconji - very heavy fighter - (Padua Base, Gallileo)

- ZM Scimitar - VHF - (Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha)

- M1 Nemesis - transport - (Planet Solaria, Moesia Minor)

- V Cobra - heavy fighter - (Planet Carinea, Omicron Alpha)

- A10 Wardog - heavy fighter - (Freeport 1, Omega 3)

- Hawk light fighter - placed at Freeport 4 (Magelan); Dawson Base (Hudson)

- Droomdary freighter - placed at Planet Primus (Unknown B); Borgman Depot (Moesia Minor)

- Humpback freighter - placed at Borgman Depot (Moesia Minor)

- Banshee fighter - placed at Aerolite Industries Shipyard [Beta] (Omicron Alpha)

- Dagger fighter - placed at Freeport 9 (Omicron Theta)

- Anubis heavy fighter - placed at Planet Mallorca (Omicron Alpha); Corrmorant Space Port (Moesia Minor)

- Drone freighter - placed at Planet Mallorca (Omicron Alpha)

=================================== HUD ============== =====================

- Docking initiation - 15000

- Distance over which is displayed "Unknown" - 15000

============================ WEAPONS, FIUSSION ============================

- Minor rebalance of vanilla weapons

- Minor rebalance of vanilla engines, powerplants, thrusters

- Ghost Bolt A - class 5

- Ghost Bolt B - class 6

- Ghost Bolt C - class 7

- Phantom Force A - class 8

- Phantom Force B - class 9

- Phantom Force C - class 10

- V Blaster MkI - class 2

- V Blaster Turret - class 1

- VL Blaster Turret - class 3

- Ghost Bolt Turret - class 6

- Phantom Phorce Turret - class 9

- Deathstorm Topredo/Launcher - fast/destructive

- Music in Sector Sirius - Fixxed by Alexxassa Rubio (aka X1Servo), former Kommander in staff :)

- Music on Assault Carrier Kaucass - performed by Alexxassa Rubio :)

- Music on Yanagi Depot - performed by Alexxassa Rubio :)

================================= FACTIONS ================================

- Every Faction Posses Now Motivation Trough Codepositioning

- The Order and The Nomads factions visible in reputation list

- The Order inscriptions/titles:

- Governor

- Lieutenant

- Konector

- Tracker

- Turmor

- The Moesian Federation inscriptions/titles:

- Kommander in Staff

- Kommvaffen skiieff

- General

- Kommander

- Colonel

- Captain

- Lieutenant

- Konector

- Tracker

- The Order - Two NPC's ships loadouts -> Used around Planet Carinea

- Moesian Federation faction - Three NPC's ship loadouts - used in systems Moesia Minor, Moesia Alpha

- Junkers Faction - One NPC's ship loadout - replacing all but smuggler/trader loadouts

================================= GRAPHICS ================================

- Altered commodity icons

- New commodity icons (some created, some fixed or taken from other mods)

- Teriffic icons for the new ships implemented in the mod

- Fixed and implemented icons for custom scanners - colours - magenda, red, lazurit

- Implemented icons for custom tractor beams - colours - white@copper

- Order female uniform introdiused - colour - Black@Deccer

- Moesian Federation male uniform introdiused - colour - Red<->Azurit

================================== MARKET =================================

- Commodity market's productivity - partialy fixed

- Most asteriod fields - made productively mineable

- Commodity Rubin - placed at market

- Commodity Vodka - Placed at market

- Commodity Aluminium - Placed at market

- Fixed "Loot" when destroying ships in random missions - (from 1 to 25)

- (from 1 to 2)

- Fixed "Loot" when destroying ships without missions - (from 5-15 to 5-50)

- Custom rummors - helping orientation in market and equipment (like originals)

- Several new bribes

- Upgraded missions (more cash, not overpowered) - in all sector Sirius

================================= EQUIPMENT ===============================

- Custom scanners and tractor beams - buyable - (tractor beams work at 1000K basic,

- lootable and at pointed distance when used to "track one by one")

- (scanners work aproximately at pointed distance due to

changed parametters in the .EXE file -> for better scanning

overal when used against the uncloacking of the NPC's)

- Custom shields - buyable, (Planet Moesia, Planet Carinea, Planet Toledo, etc.)

=================================== STORY =================================

- A lot of new characters with apropriate names

- Complete infocards for everything new in the mod

=================================== NPC's =================================

- Regenerating shields of the NPC's

- NPC's using batteries/nanobots



  • hi is this for cf 2.0 any information on it NFO files with information about the mod