Forlon's fly log 0006 - Elite Dangerous: Searching for a Home

Searching ...

Searching a home? ... easy, you have a 400 billion systems for choose! Such a number of systems may cause your searching little longer as initially expected, because on start you will have only very vague idea how should your home system look. For the start you could use a fact, that "home" should be somewhere inside the Bubble, which is a term used for the Humans inhabited part of space in the Milky Way Galaxy in the year 3301. But this will make your search only slightly easier :) ... like searching Pinhead on the football stadium instead around the whole world. With that in mind I first thought about a place where are some nice ships for sale, but it simply was not going into the right direction. Then I tried use few other ways, thought about joining with some commanders group (like Fuel Rats) and use theirs home system, but also this had all the time the false tones. Finally I gave up and put this decision to the future. But recently I had more and more feelings that the future is happening right now ...

System Ross 199 (click to open big picture in a new window)
Ross 199 is a system with the corporate government, is placed on the border with active Powers, but is Independent. Central red sun, few planets (two with rings) and three bases - Nicollet Terminal (Coriolis), Kroehl Orbital (Outpost), Cowper Survey (Outpost). What made it so exceptional (for me)? It started with my search for Federal Assault ship when I travelled to the 109 Piscium system which have 15% discount (like all Li Yong-Rui Controlled and Exploited systems). But because I not had the required federation rank, I was able purchase "only" Federal Dropship, which have shorter jump range. Then I moved out of the powerplay systems (around 100ly) and started do the missions for the Federation. There I found systems like are Ross 199, Njikan (which have planet with pristine metallic rings and good placed station close to mining sites and is therefore fairly often visited by commanders), Karovices (compromised beacon, black market) and others, which are close to each other and which have all what I needed ... starting with good outfitting, mining possibilities, trade, missions and ending with more combat places (combat zones, compromised beacon) etc. Important thing, which "right home" needs to have, is at least one base with shipyard ... you will need it for store your ships. If such shipyard offers good possibilities for (re)equipping, you can take it as a nice bonus, especially if you like multi-purpose ships. Nicollet Terminal in Ross 199 is close to system entry (150ls), have Shipyard, Outfitting (nicely stocked), Market, Bulletin Board (BB) and allows Rearm/Repair/Refuel ... the most important facilities/services for every commander.

Bounty hunting at Compromised beacon ...
I just have docked at Nicollet Terminal with superb 200k combat bonds from the closest combat zone and the repair bill 150k ^^ and thought that attempt to fight at once three elite condas was little too much optimistic. After a short rest I did a quick BB check and saw mission to clean few pirates in Karovices. Why not, one jump away and there was a base close to the entry point. I looked around and saw a compromised beacon ... hmm, not tried visit such place yet. Such beacon works similar way like Hazardous RES, there you cannot count on FEDs help, but targets there offers nice rewards and you can pick your targets as long as you do not have some cargo which local "wanted" wants. It worked much better as expected, soon had much more as requested 6 pirates ship killed and was about a time to leave this area. But maybe one more challenge, wanted Federal Dropship in three ships wing ... yes/no ... yes, incoming fire was higher as expected, so I transferred power to the shields and engines and boosted away as quickly as it was possible and was expecting they will follow. And they did that, but not together, first came two smaller ships which were destroyed quite fast, but then arrived dropship and that damned pirate had similar (or even better offensive) equipment like I had, included plasma accelerators. Was needed flee three times and wait for shield restore bcs hull was damaged (around 60% remained) and remained only very few shield cells banks (SCBs) charges. Such stubbornness last time have lead to 3.5M insurance payment, but this time was luck ( ... ehm skills :D ) on my side. Dropship exploded and on my ship remained 40% hull. Was a perfect time to go back to nearest station and collect more as 1M bounties from local FEDs office. But also way back was interesting. Suddenly interdiction happened, smaller NPCs pirates wing, which consisted from one Imperial Clipper and two small supporting ships, wanted me not alive. I almost wrecked one small pirate ship, but shields were falling quickly and without SCBs (all 4 were empty) and with hull 40% there was the most safe option do high wake jump to the nearest system ... short panic passed when ship system needed little more time to "align" with jump vector, but escape was successful.

Docking at Nicollet Terminal in Ross 199 ...

Back on base with repaired ship I checked the bulletin board and what I see - four mining missions with (in total) more as 1M payment. Missions accepted, ship re-equipped at Nicollet Terminal and I jumped to the Njikan system. There visited Smeaton Port, greeted few commanders, and headed to Njikan 4 inner ring. Was not needed much time and I was returning with cargo netting 2M (I had really lucky hand for finding asteroids containing Painite, the best paid mineable commodity) plus a bonus from missions. It was long evening, I have left Karovices and this time without surprises reached Nicollet Terminal in the Ross 199. Ship entered into the station, slowly docked on designated landing pad and was a time for good sleep, ... it was a good feeling to find a Home!