Ajay's Story 2.0: Lost And Found Paradise.

Ajay's Story 2.0: Lost And Found Paradise.

Let's be honest, I am not really fit for military. Though since originally I was a dispatcher, that is somewhat justified - the job did not require any great strength, toughness or sharp eyesight. The contrast with the Drop Troops sergeant Flyagin brought with himself to the meeting brought it up.
-Oh, greetings, Ajay - Flyagin greeted me and gestured me to take a seat. I complied and he continued. - Senior Sergeant Margelov[1] and his men have been commanded here for a capture operation, deep within the Nomad space.
-Let me guess. That Lost Paradise cargo operation brought some results? - I asked.
-It did - my CO nodded and took a sip from his tea cup, then continued. - We have found a number of fugitives that opted to move there and try to get their hands on the cargo. Unluckily for them, it was a trap.
-You need to deliver my men there. One of platforms on the surface. You drop us, we do the rest. - Drop trooped added. - I also have information that they have some data in there. Wait for me to retrieve it. Then fly back to Sirius space. K-719 will pick you up.
-How do you plan to return? - I asked.
-By our estimate we are going to need a prison liner to extract all we are going to get from this. Some of these people are needed alive - Flyagin said. - Oh, and something more.
-Which is... - I half-asked, half-continued.
-I am going with you.
Only now I have noticed that instead of his usual uniform, he wore a combat armor.
-While you will be going back, I will process the captured data on the board of the "Stranger" and prepare all my needed reports. Thankfully, I know who might be interested to ensure our pick-up...
I understood, whom he was talking about, and smiled.
-I'll go and prepare the ship.

-Everyone is loaded, pilot. We are ready - drop troopers' leader said, taking a seat in the cockpit.
Flyagin also seated himself nearby. One of the brightest officers of the Intelligence Directorate - only a bit older than me and already a General Major - Flyagin was no slouch in personal combat, either. He was armed with the same high-power blaster repeater other drop troopers had.
While I was barely capable of personal combat, I had a laser rifle with myself, in case something would go wrong.
-No need to hold up then - I nodded and activated the undocking sequence.

As soon as we reached Upper Unknown, I picked the jumphole to the Unknown Blue and headed there.
-The most recent intelligence reports that Nomads seem to have made some sort of upgrade - Flyagin said. - The basic nomad fighter is gone from all fronts. It is replaced by some sort of things nobody seen until this time. They appear to be the same fighters, but... better.
-I can confirm - I said. - Seen them today when headed to the meeting. Everybody brace, we're docking...
In the Blue Unknown, I instantly charged the cruise engines and headed to where I've seen the Lost Paradise jumphole. Soon a Nomad Battleship with gunboat escorts appeared... and yes, they looked just like their fighters, with some light blue, long, flowing tendrils on them.
The flight continued nevertheless, with Flyagin operating some of "Stranger"'s sensors. If he hoped for data, he got all he wanted and then some, as a bunch of Interceptors appeared on my sensors. I strayed from them. and instadocked with the Lost Paradise jumphole.
Thankfully, the jumphole didn't pull out its usual random bullshit and took me in the Lost Paradise system, as I recognized by blue nebula.
-Sweet, we're right where we're supposed to be - I said and charged cruise engines.

"Stranger" reached Lost Paradise without any serious problems, aside from some glancing shield hits from passing by Liches, Haunts or battleships. Soon after we entered troposphere, I used override on dispatcher tower protocols and got ship in the free flight.
-See that platform? Our target is here. We need to come as close as possible.
-I'll get close to terrain and use that island to cover our approach - I pointed at the island and headed the ship in the desired direction.

-Any kind of heavy anti-air?
-They can't lock on us. We're below their radar - Flyagin said.
-Thanks, Canteen. There's a landing pad. I'll get the ship stationed there.
-That will suffice - drop trooper nodded and headed to the cargo bay. Flyagin followed him.
-Okay, squad, listen up - sergeant's voice appeared on the comlink as he addressed his subordinates. - Platform assault, like on drills...
-Ten seconds! - I said in the comlink.
-...I and General head to the possible data center, and then I escort him back to the transport. After this, our transport leaves, and we're here all alone now.
-We're in place! - I said, lowering the "Stranger" onto the landing pad, and prepared to wait.

Soon Flyagin returned. His armor had some scratches, and one of grenade pouches of his webbing was empty. In his hands, he held a small black box.
-That's it. Let's go. Good luck, comrade senior sergeant.
-You too, general major. Stay safe out there, flyboy! - drop trooper's voice replied over the commlink. I took off and turned "Stranger" into space, bidding Lost Paradise goodbye once more.
-"And now we take the battlefields far out to the stars"[2] - I quoted. Flyagin sighed.
-I thought you never cared about that - he said.
-You're right, I don't care - I chuckled. - But I wonder if there is a place like this where Nomads didn't take hold yet? Epsilon Eridani looked really sweet. Though, thinking about that, I would prefer home to any other place.
-Home - Flyagin echoed. - Well, Earth is...
-Earth? What Earth you're speaking about, Canteen? I was born on Murmansk. Earth is our past. "Nobody lives in the past. Everyone's dead there"[3]. Murmansk - and other places like it - is our present. And I would rather prefer it to be our future as well.
-You know, sometimes I don't know what to think about you - my CO replied.
-Neither do I... Hey, is that what I think it is?

Aside from that one encounter, the flight through the Lost Paradise system had nothing spectacular. Since the jumphole though, it went notably worse. Namely, "Stranger" got thrown into the Unknown 3 - the system almost entirely covered by the orange nebula.
-I hate this system - I said.
-Like Sadurn? - Flyagin asked, looking up from his computer.
-Nah. Sadurn is worse. From the other side, you can't meet the STRIKE MOTHERFLAKKING CARRIER there... Like this one, for example!
-When did they have the time to completely reform all of their navy? - Flyagin asked. - And where exactly?
-I'd suppose, Deva Station. The Styx Installation. Nomad City in Epsilon Eridani. Whatever Dom'Kavash hides in the Inner Core.

-Do you know where you're flying? - my CO asked.
-Yes, I do. I have been here once. The jumphole I have marked is leading into the Lower Unknown. From there we will get to Omicron Gamma. Now get yourself together, we might have a welcoming committee.
I was right. A wing of Nomad Fighters met me on the other side. I started engaging, beginning with a Nemesis missile.
While the new breed of these fighters was stronger, they still were underwhelming compared to a human-made VHF. Soon the way was cleared, and I picked the Omicron Gamma jumphole.
From there on, the way was clear, and we arrived to Freeport 9 without any trouble.
-So what now? - I asked.
-We'll let my friends take their turn - he said. - May I use "Stranger"'s communications array?
I nodded and headed to my room.

A/N: Related to today's update.
The main plot of this chapter was created thanks to Martind Forlon, whose help is always greatly appreciated.
1) Reference to V. Margelov, founder of Soviet/Russian Airborne Drop Troops.
2) Funker Vogt quote
3) Quote from "Angel Exterminatus" by Graham McNeil.

"Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
-Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

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