Search Results

Search results 1-12 of 12.

  • I put these 2 topics together as they are linked in many ways.I mainly would like to discuss whats being said on the other RP discussion thread related to the RP licences. 2 Ideas/suggestions came up 1. Linking the Licenses with real reputation changesthat means if you decide to be a pirate all legal factions would go hostile on youif you decide to be a cop all unlawful factions would turn red side effect would be that you can not dock at stations owned by hostile groupsI have collected every n…
  • BMG market My thoughts:Since we have 49 unlawful stations it makes sense to sell BMGs only there.In a limited way I can adjust the random economy (eventhough that will be tricky). It makes pretty much sense for smugglers to know where they can buy their illegal commodities aswell as it makes sense that cops know where smugglers might start trading.I personally would not limit the places where smugglers can sell the illegal commodities to just those unlawful stations.Maybe it would be good if th…
  • IF you worry that you can not dock a large part of the stations we also could make it that mounting a license does change your reputation and later you can do bribes to correct it. actually by logic nothing speaks against that. however, it would be cool to make a decision about it this before weekend as i need to get the work started
  • I actually dont want to completly limit equipmentsbut in my eyes setting a initial Reputation once a license is mounted is pretty much fair and getting bribes is a gameplay element we should not excludeif someone wants to bribe cops to dock on a police station, well why not to reset the reputation in certain intervals is in my eyes extremly hard to impossibleWith giving an "initial" reputation for each RP faction + the option to gain back that reputation by unmounting and mounting the licence a…
  • @ryderif we choose to set the reputation just once and allow bribing you could search for the neccessary rep hacks and still explore(this would be my prefered method as it is a mix of reputation system and freedom) Faabysince i was just talking about stations ... yes you can only sell it to worlds owned by companiessince these worlds are by 98% close to territory of legal factions you have to cross police territory ShockwaveI want to know which changes I have to do nowonce done they hardly can …
  • I pretty much said that we have the option of bribes.But at this point I pretty much have to ask why pirates need trains? They are pirates and no traders or smugglers.
  • its not really logical that pirates have shipyardshowever i already mentioned the optionand this is not the topic
  • but like already mentioned you can not really balance it
  • ive meanwhile rebalanced the reputations of the bases based on the infocard descriptions to eliminate logical errorsspecial places like earth or arena have the zoner reputation which is mostly neutral (guess i had the same idea) the licences of course would need to be places to bases that players of that faction can access... except... well on the other side everyone who has no license yet can still simply fly to the house systems and buy onetheir reputation changes AFTER they have docked there…
  • Well after 4 days of work the new BMG market is done.So far I have just created a semi dynamic market. That means that the locations of the commodities will not change but the prices change.If I would want to build a fully dynamic BMG market I would need about 2 months just to balance it by hand (more than 7300 values which have to be compared with each other). You probably will understand that this is atm not possible. Maybe in future we will change the BMG market to be 100% dynamic. Ok, the c…
  • at least someone does remember
  • again: bribes will be possible