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  • 04


    Evil Pixel has posted a new video to highlight the plight of Wing Commander 2 for the SNES. This is a cause near and dear to our heart as we have long campaigned to help this port see the light of day. The Super Nintendo variant of WC2 was built from the ground up to be an enhanced version of the game, and it was sadly canceled after it was completed due to the high cost of cartridge production at the time. Videos like this help publicize the hunt for a long lost copy, and we'll keep searching until it's found!

    Wing Commander II was released in 1992, however a port of the game was briefly mentioned and shown in gaming magazines and never heard of again. It is said the game was finished and is in someones possession.
  • 04


    It's July, so that means this is the final month that Wing Commander Arena will be offered for sale by Microsoft! Although the game will remain playable for the foreseeable future, potential players will need to purchase their copy now to be able to download it to their Xbox 360 later. The game has been heavily discounted to just $0.99, so there's no reason not to pick a copy up just in case! It's also a really good idea to read LOAF's excellent Arena FAQ to get all of the details straight. To go along with this countdown, here's a couple of videos that AD recently found that show Andre BigBoss hunting achievements. The first clip shows what it takes to organize 16 players for the big "TCS Tiger's Claw" unlock. I very much admire the effort and appreciate how this sort of thing is preserved for history, since modern streaming infrastructure didn't exist back in 2007. I believe the clips are

  • 03


    The WC1 Hit Parade

    Here's a quick peek at several different versions of the Hit Squad edition of Wing Commander 1 that come from Dennis Mull's extensive collection. Hit Squad was a budget published that was responsible for a wide range of translations and rereleases for the original game. It's exactly the type of variation that both delights and drives collectors mad!


    LOAF: They covered the UK, France, Germany and Italy. Gotta be at least a dozen versions for the patient collector! (I bet Dennis Mull has a bunch.)

    Dennis: Yes, I have a few, but there are more out there.

  • 01


    Tomorrow's a big day for sci-fi fans! The second season of Star Trek Prodigy is dropping on Netflix July 1 with a huge 20-episode slate. This unprecedented release means we'll be marathoning the show on the CIC Discord all day Monday! If you were put off by the initial marketing that labeled it as a "kids show," we highly recommend you give it a second look! A better description of the show is a modern animated sequel to Star Trek Voyager. The starships and characters are gorgeous, and the storylines run the whole range from endearing to humorous to tragic and riveting. Stop on by to join the fun!

    Star Trek: Prodigy follows a motley crew of young aliens who must figure out how to work together while navigating a greater galaxy, in search of a better future.
  • 01


    As a Wing Commander fan you're probably wondering, "What's WC3's Ginger Lynn Allen up to lately?" We've got you covered, and the answer is quite a lot! On top of a steady stream of adult content, Ms. Allen has been heavily into art lately. She has an online gallery of acrylic paintings where prints run $50-150 with larger originals going for $1600+. She also has a variety of handmade jewelry for sale on the site. It's good to see that she's remained in touch with her sci-fi roots as well. Check out a little teaser prosthetic she shared from an upcoming production!


    All girls feel fat some days. This painting was inspired by my ass.
  • 30


    How about some vintage French mag scans? Guybrush_SF has you covered! I've also added English translations to make the reviews easier to read. I love the part where they gush about the game's rare beautiful and branching gameplay, but the text is only part of the appeal. It's also always such a fascinating time capsule to look at how an article like this would have been presented more than thirty years ago. We also have previews from each mag in our archive. Find the Gen 4 preview here and Tilt here (though for the Amiga version, so not a direct relationship).


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