Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 21.

  • Bond : the Dev team and the Community thanks you for pushing further the release of CF1.9 .... (if you introduce new ideas, you'll have to wait longer...) Faaby : Would be nice indeed@Ilian : OP has plans for new systems but more than that i don't know exactly... Spiky : You know you can go to the downloads section, get the UTFEditor and extract textures from any models in the game in *.tga, apply a pink overlay in Paint.NET, reimport it in the editor and launch CF.... Changing texture won't ma…
  • SHS : 1)SHIPS : i doubt that many ships will be added because there is already over 100 ships and most of them are not even used (i admit some are hundreds of thousands for a ship worse than a wolfhound...). But the SA Labs are working hard on prototypes that could make nice addition to Sirius' police and military. Perhaps some pirate players with ship creation skills could work on the "Taxer's dream". I personnally never really played a pirate so i can't think of all the aspects needed to make…
  • Could it be possible to make the tool to rename chars for clan leaders or GRs only ? Many server tools exist out there to fully edit characters stored on a server so perhaps we could extract the simple function of changing a name to make a program looking like this : you run the executable, type in the name of an existing char in a prompt box, click ok, the program checks the server accounts for that name and prompts a new popup for the new name if the old name was found. All name edits could b…
  • reason struck me and i just remembered that having to change char is not that bad.... clans always help you get your money and equip transfered and losing your explored maps is quite irrelevant once you got maps memorized and have access to DBs and Wikis all around.... Yeah i'm kinda fun-breaker
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)okay ! i'll texture her ! seriously i can if you want....
  • hmmm i think it's possible to change engine on the ship but useful i doubt it.... And what exactly do you want for thrusters ??? we already got like 10 thruster models with different stats..... if it's still a color issue, well we wont spend hours to change colors of your thrusters....
  • i wish to be millionnaire but it is not much relevant here.... Even tho this is a wish list it has to be reasonable in a way that changing engine color is not (it won't alter gameplay or create something useful). But about changing cruise speed i like the idea but OP already said somewhere that the would touch the engines (do i remember correctly?) and i tend to say that their speed is okay like that. Also it would have a great impact on the SP Campaign dialogs/triggers that require some minima…
  • Might i inquire the gods about why the Coalition wouldn't want to expand their society to inhabited systems beyond the Hieron jump hole ? is it part of a Divine plan you have, Oh Great OP ? (READ AS : WE NEED TO MAKE THESE SYSTEMS ALIVE DAMNIT !!!! ITS WAY TOO DULL OUT THERE !) My Altair Wish :Make DK neutral with all human (Sirius and Coalition). They'll keep flying in Altair to kill Nomad pest they left behind. (Keep the GMG Hypergate locked until Dervon's rep fix is done).Make Sirius and Alt…
  • @OP : those fleets are totally incomptetant : players make fun of nomads alone in their VHF.... You gotta admit it's not their strength but their numbers that make them dominating this area. If mankind was to really united and decide (motivated by profit) that there will be a mining operation there, there will be one.... (no need to argue with me, i accept your answer. I just wanted to rant a little... :P) And what about blending the Sirius and Altair factions ?
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)OMW right now !!! If you wish to colonize with me, copy the pic above in your post
  • thx for the support m8 ! answer : anywhere ! space is vast ! appearently there is niobium i nthe asteroids in hieron, i bet we'll settle next to the fields !
  • NO ! it'll end in peace forever ofc....
  • isn't the forward gun of the Liberty Cruiser to do something like that ?
  • an abandoned outpost in styx would be nice... an empty coalition base close to a dark reign ion cannon... just dock and save position, no shop, no bar, no dealer
  • Wish : Current Name : New NameOsiris Battleship : OsirisII-class Battleship (the ship Osiris was the model from which hundreds of ships were built, the 2 is because the setup changes : torpedo tubes, stronger hull, etc....) New Liberty Dreadnough (new in CF1.9) : Manhattan-class DreadnoughLiberty Dreadnough : Jacobi-class Dreadnough (In honor of the President Jacobi who came very close to being infectd by a Nomad being)Liberty Cruiser : Walker-class Cruiser (for sacrificing his Cruiser to destr…
  • Raven : LRK is planned, but not yet able to do it (appearently it's very complicated and i understood nothing of what OP said to Huor.... )
  • andreas : The thought of asking to raise JUST the Komodo's power never crossed your mind, huh ? altering the entire balance by adding a power core as little bigger impact than raising just a single ship's stats...
  • 100 ping is lag for you ? you mean i should have killed myself when i have 700 -1000 during PvPs ? 100ms is a blink of an eye and should barely be visible to the eye....
  • Fuffud : we cannot edit the jumpgate object one by one (they are all the same object copied over and over leading to different systems). That is why the logo boards were created (each logo is one different object). And they are INSIDE the system because it is faster to edit the clan system itself rather the 2-3-4 systems leading to it... And noobs have the time to turn around when they see the board and leave the system before getting into trouble... Seqan : shiparch.ini (file describing ship h…
  • AlienX : guns will not change class. 80% of CF lvl10 guns would be rated class 11 or 12 if these would be possible (but engine limitations stops weapon levels at 10). Unless we start to edit all the vanilla stuff to make the upper-end equipment into more than just the single lvl10 (lower the vanilla stuff to classified modded equipment into class 8, 9 and 10), we cannot do anything about it. And ofc changing the vanilla balance is out of the question. See it this way : everything better than th…