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  • Yes, Diablo ofc is an exception of the yellow part just by that name... Diablo Anyways, OP is right.... or singleplayer, or multiplayer... but on This server In both ways you'd have fun ! there's for Sure a lot ofvery cool stuff you don't know yet... some inner core stuff ? repair drones ?
  • Yes, cancelled it because there weren't enough signatures to make it real (signatures of that rich people who give the $$$ for advertisement and make it be sold everywhere on the world). Freelancer 1, this one, had the same problem in 1997 or so... and was released in 2004.
  • Wait, that video is real ?? lol nice how they could finish building it that way ! or it started 'whistling' alone months later ? hmmm surprising what kind of asphalt and stuff they used that it wasn't cracking.... until collapse. ON Topic: Crossfire already arrives to the limits of Freelancer's engine... but we need few upgrades in some points, like advertisement.....
  • The instructions ? Not that hard ? He has problems with that himself ! And he made server stability stuff even this month Not ocunting you need a powerful PC with a good connection, and about 10 stability programs started, including updaters, security... etc. People should first learn to install this mod correctly, and play it correctly , then play with it's programs
  • And you can always have MORE fun Inner core are 25 systems Opponents can be found everywhere, and teh MP storyline is very large !!! Have oyu finsihed the full storyline ?
  • Every base ? and without cheats ? Interesting... time to make your own ssytems now !! heheh the ping can't be 10 times worse... adn there Are fighters who use that ping, of 200 and some fluct, and still play and they are pretty good Anyways, about the storyline, I was telling about the one which starts in Death Valley, and it has no end,for now it's at arriving at Inner Core system, but it's not finished yet !!, So be up to date with OP's work As he has plans for more, but has other stuff, more…
  • He has higher plans