Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 29.

  • SWAT Portal is written with a big S (as trivial as this knowledge could be)
  • EVERY food is healthy, it stops you from starving.
  • liquid oxigen is magnetic
  • if the variable "z" is the radius and the variable "a" is the thickness (height) then the volume of a Pizza is "Pi*z*z*a" think about it... math never has been that tasty before
  • The Human eyes never grow, but nose and ears never stop growing.
  • (Quote from Destructor-Nexus) did you know that this hurts?
  • every cut scene in Crossfire was written by hand... line by line
  • fun factalmost every asshole was an employe of someone, some company or organization at some point another fun factthe world does not miss OBL
  • (Quote from Portalearth) am i trolling you?No, I am absolutely serious about that.I have enough that this forum is used to spread "alternative facts", conspiracies and other complete nonsense.I said it multiple times that I wont allow such a crap anymore, some individuals keep coming up with this bullshit just to randomly put the blame on people and countries, even in threads which have absolutely no political background and motivation. I tried to be as subtile as i could in order to make a poi…
  • A single cloud can weight more than 1 million pounds.
  • did you know that we are on page 5 of this thread?
  • On 25th May (today) 40 years ago Star Wars was shown first time in theatres. Happy Birthday. This in return means that Huor has something common with Star Wars (not the age but the day) Back then only very few theatres wanted to show Star Wars.
  • SWAT (this portal) means Special War Avenging Team, which was a reaction to another clans war declaration upon us, just a few hours after we created the MoD Starlancer clan (which became the first game section of the Portal).Bloodguard was practically created with the idea of having a Portal with different sections (one day after the creation of MoD -> I dont like losing time). The names, abbreviations and logo designs (with the exception of BloodGuard) were the idea of XL-R8R (co-founder of th…
  • we are on page 6 of this thread
  • one banana emits roughly every 75minutes one positron (a positron is an anti-electron -> so bananas emit antimatter)
  • 1. The light spectrum of antimatter is exactly the same as the light spectrum of matter. 2. 3² = 9 and -3² is also 9 which shows that mathematically equations with positive and negative numbers can lead to the same result (such as matter and antimatter can have exactly the same light spectrum and the same abilities) 3. Photons (light) are at the same time matter and antimatter particles. They exist in both "worlds". 4. Since the light spectrum of matter and antimatter is identical there is no d…
  • the stealth bomber "used" in wwii never dropped a bomb
  • (Quote from Ajay) I honestly doubt that this was build to be a stealth bomber or had better stealth abilities than any other aircraft of this style. But I am not an expert on this.Probably any aircraft build of wood has a small radar echo. I was refering to: which truely was build to reduce radar reflections in order to bypass the british air defenceIt did fly a few times... it crashed one time because of the engine design... kill its test pilot... but never dropped a bomb... it pretty much dis…
  • did you know that next to the "god" particle there also is a "oh my god" particle?
  • 1. human bodies can survive underwater2. but not for long