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Search results 1-20 of 30.

  • to the leader of [LP] i am wondering if u would consider a friendly war with the [Death] clan plz remember it would be a FRIENDLY war and it would be just for fun.if u intrested reply to this post or email me thx[Death]9_DEATH-DEALER
  • (Quote)lol they r depending on how u conduct your self and the war believe me i could show u a friendly war and a hostile war. but then my clan wants a friendly war so that is what i ask for so if u guys dont want to thats fine
  • (Quote)i to will be glad to help out against a nasty pirate though if the pirate pays me enough cash i would think about killing sum one for them [not pirating for them just assasination umm lets think for a high profile player 50 mil and for that u get a first class service if the player u want dead is in a clan u will get info as well]. my price list...normal risk assaination...5 mil [10 mil if u a pirate]medium risk assasination.....7.5 mil [15 mil for pirates]high risk assasination.....10 m…
  • (Quote)any info a clans tactics to when members can be on to plans on attacking another clan any info u want i will try to get. and clans have hunted me for long times and have failed i am just about as hard asthey come i may not be the best fighter these days but my will is very very very strong the more u try and stop me the more i try and the stronger my will.but plz remember for undercover missions i ask for half before and half after and there is no time limit on how long it may take but i…
  • (Quote)umm sorry who brought the death clan in to it????? i never did any one see me say THIS IS WHAT THE [Death] clan ids going to do ??? NO so do not bringin the clan when it has nothing to do with the clan
  • oh and guys i have left the [Death] clan so if i see any action taken against them for what i have done.may do i promis u all i will wreck your clans i will put this in simple terms for the people who cant tell the differnce between my name and the [Death] clan name .......[SIZE=4]I AM NOT IN THE [Death] CLAN ANYMORE I AM A PLAIN OLD MERC[/SIZE]
  • (Quote)hehehe i tell them cos im that good lol and i can pay my self if i get to bored lol i work in mysteryous ways as do my mind but then if i was normal i would not be DEATH lol.and about the war when i metiond about it all the clans started haveing kittens lol. and u said i had them worried well they should be especaly if they take there fustration out on the [Death] clan being IM NOT in the clan any more. lol but what can i say my fl life was spent in the old days where spies where used it…
  • (Quote)im glad to hear u r leaveing the [DEath] clan out of it and i dont expect to get away with it but i dont expect to be banned if all the server wants to hunt me then fine do so i dont mind what so ever but lets face it if u hunt me then we all have sum thing to do and bg can move from custodian lol [if they chose to hunt me]and it is a bad thing peeps get to bored with being friends with every one it makes a server boreing if it happens to much
  • (Quote)and i am hear to bring the balance without war there can not be peace and without peace there can be no war
  • (Quote)i am offering my services as a merc and thats all if u dont like it dont take me up on my offer. dont try and give me crap on hear just cos u dont like my role
  • (Quote)well maybe u should have ago at the peeps who want my services not the person who offers them i dont force peeps to want my services.and if u read the banners it says peeps can buy info from mercs so that is what im offering
  • (Quote) sry how the hell can i be stiring up trubble when the server banners says mercs can sell info to who they like. now THINK about it if server says i can sell info then i will. so stop this moaning crap about me causeing trubble by selling info cos just think how can a merc sell info??????? by gaining it by any means he can.if u like i can draw u a pic of what i am saying and i can get a ss of the server banner and send them to u?????so i suggest that u let this drop being im allowed to g…
  • (Quote)i hope u will change your attatude being u on about my clan when they have nothing to do with it and im not even in the clan anymore being i left it so leave out the [Death] clan they have done nothing wrong. and i was just listing what i would do for cash so if no one hires me for that then it will never ever happen. oh and i tried to get an event going but everyone moaned about it so i suggest if u want constructive stuff going on tell all your buddies to stop being sad old farts.and s…
  • lola as i have said before hawk let op check my ip out and if he has the right tools he will be able to see if this other char has a pc in the same house as my pc is in that will tell u if i am this other person u think i short admin can prove im right and make u look like a i leave it in the handsof the admin if u dont ask then u know im telling the truth about who i am and U r just trying to cause trubble so [1] lol
  • but u can trace an ip back to the area and if op has the right tools it wont matter if i change my ip but being im not. u see i think hawk knows me from another server probably was in a pirate clan that i pissed off and now is trying to stir shit lol cos u dont call sum one that aint even spoken to u a lier unless u got sum thing against them when hawk called me a lier he/she was listening to a conver i was haveing with another member of r_39 clan lol come to think about it i do know a player t…
  • (Quote)who said any thing about getting in your clan i dont even know who your clan is untill now
  • (Quote)a i said u need me more then i need u get it right dont use half of what i said to make u look good and me look bad. and yes i will get on server and fight all of u if u like im happy with that. as long as u dont expect me to be on 24/7 cos sum of us do work. and i dont care if u know who i am but i believe it was a member of your clan who started the ....u dont know who we r. crapseems like u no differnt to any other u dont like it when u get your own shit thrown back at u. but yes next…
  • (Quote)unless u have the mind of a 2 yr old u know how i ment that so dont try and twist it
  • u are but a i would forget about this and worry who is comming to the server cos believe me they dont like me and dont like anyone who lets me play on there server.the people i am talking about will crash your server if i am found to be on it. u will say bulls\;'.\\ but it true i just tried to get on a server i used to play on and found i have been banned cos sum one [not me and admin has prof that it not me] has been crashing the server untill i got banned and now i am so i would start thinkin…
  • (Quote)what the fuck did i say about the [Death] clan they r innocent of what u r accuseing them of and so am i i do know who could be behind all the server crashing but being u clan within 20 mins of meeting me [months ago ] that i was a lier about who i am [u dumb fucks] u would not believe me if i told u lol and the organization that could be behind this aint a bunch of noobs u can intimadate they r people who will work there way in to your family life just to fuck things up for u and they e…