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Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • What on earth is going on in the Earth bar sountrack? Do I just have a dirty mind??? lmao
  • I have another question. (In fact I think I'll just make this a "small questions" thread if that's OK.) In the Canis Sector, what are these "Sensor Echos"? They're kind of ominous... They have no weapons or shields, they're completely invisible ,and I can only hear them coming out of the trade lanes... and these systems were supposed to have been abandoned. Illuminati in in CF 2.0 confirmed???
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) Oh? What was supposed to happen? You have me very curious now...
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) Oh okay... If I made up an interesting explanation for them would you consider adding it to the wiki?
  • What you mean they're not in the mod? I see them on my radar everywhere in canis sector.... If I made up an explanation it wouldn't be completely random of course, it would make sense to the story. Then, maybe they don't get a whole side story, but at least they're not completely unexplained. I already have a few ideas...
  • I'm just trying to make an interesting reason why they're there. Their story got cancelled, so now there's no real explanation for them... may as well make one for the wiki so curious people like me can be satisfied. One idea I have is maybe they are an old defense mechanism left in canis the by DK to scare off any intruders from their old colonies and/or stations, much like the Ancient's drones, the difference being the Drones use physical force, where as the Sensor Echos are using psychologic…