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Search results 1-12 of 12.

  • Hellooo, it's me again... So this time, I have managed to get the mod working. On my laptop its... nearly unplayable sadly. So, I borrowed a 32GB flash-drive from my friend and transferred the installation files to my desktop which is significantly more powerful(but it can't get internet), did the long and annoying installation process, and got it to run. It runs quite smoothly actually, at least with just the Vanilla texture filter. Now here's the problem that just really rustles my jimmies: W…
  • (Quote from Ajay) As the directions say, I make sure wright protection is off on everything. @Michael No, it's not missing textures, the squares have colors.
  • (Quote from Huor) So... because more stuff was added, now it will look WORSE for me? Also are you implying that it will just arbitrarily change to old gpu support without even having a message pop up to tell me about it? Maybe someone should change that... Anyways, yes i've played around with all of the graphics settings, and including the last few days I've reinstalled the mod more times than you can count on your fingers... The gpu I'm using is the intel G45/G43 express chipset. It's not buil…
  • Ahh, a nice example of my struggle, right on the main menu screen, at least that's convenient... [xattach=6096][/xattach] Just for an example I'll also include another older screenshot of mine from another game to demonstrate what my gpu is capable of rendering. Plus, it's a nice car, yes? [xattach=6097][/xattach]
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) So you're telling me that I can run Need For Speed Carbon on medium-high settings, but CF 2.0 takes still more VRAM than that? Exactly how much VRAM does it take?
  • Well I've tried with the "Enhanced Effects" option on and off and it makes no difference (there are more colored blocks with it enabled, that's all). There is no way for me to not have these ugly blocks unless I go back to 1.9? There is one other thing I noticed that might be the problem: I notice that the installer itself saves some settings sometimes, mainly I noticed that the windows runtime boxes remained unchecked from the last time I re-installed. I think it's unlikely, but maybe it saved…
  • yep the 6600 is fully dead I just found out.Ah, I'm better off to just wait to get a new computer. So in the mean time I'll just take a shot every time I see an ugly block... hahaha only joking, if I had money for alcohol, I'd surely have a better pc by now...
  • I FIXED IT!!! You know how the Cursor wasn't showing up unless I changed the cursor set around? I guess it was the same thing with the effect particles, because when I changed the particle color from Red to White just now, I don't get any more Ugly blocks. Here's a screenshot from when the Rogue base gets torpedoed. After more playing with it, if I select "Red" particle effects, the one I put first into the flmm options, that's the only one that causes the blocks... every other color works just…
  • (Quote from Huor) Red. Red was my first choice, and red is the one I selected first when flmm did it's thing. Red is the only one that doesn't work. All of the others work just fine.
  • You mean red, another color, then back to red again? Yes that's exactly what I did. Red don't work. It's not only white squares, some have different colors, like for example the opening cut scene in the Freeport 7 system has little green squares floating all around. My guess is that something went wrong when flmm did it's thing. Something I notice is that when I installed it on my laptop which runs windows 7, I had some options that weren't there when I installed it on my desktop which runs Win…
  • also sorry but I am so done with reinstalling the mod, so I really don't want to take anymore chances where I might have to reinstall. I can make due with the colors I have available. Thank you though, I appreciate the gesture. That being said, if there is no chance I'll have reinstall, I'd love to help you to test it so people who might have this problem in the future have an easy fix to go to. Hmm but I just gave my friend his flashdrive back, so now I have nothing to transfer files with