Search Results

Search results 1-19 of 19.

  • Now that Huor is away, it can't be that all this work goes up on 1 man. Here are some Uploading Finished versions of 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and last one (16th). Will look at 14th after uploading, but it'll take a while, in case somebody's already working on it. The original screens can be uploaded in a .rar pack (as 1 image = 5 MB) in case something has to be modified. 1: Old: Note: The sun in CF is bigger due to the extra effects. New:LargeTransport1.jpgor with engine effects (cruise):LargeTransport…
  • Version 3, with more gun effects (as it's a "War News" image):NewsWar2.jpgor Version 4:NewsWar3.jpg Some of them look better in larger sizes, same as how they will appear in-game, like these 2 above. About that person at #14, maybe this one is easier to be used, as it has the face /body/camera and light direction as in the image, and it's from in-game. LSFpilot.PNG This is it for today. Edit: (Quote from Martind Forlon) I guess that Kancler is the Chancellor, so, here he is, from a bar On the c…
  • The Chancellor's suit/uniform is Bretonian, so you can find that there (common for BR Officers), and the head is commonly used too. If no one fits the character, we could take the head and the uniform and put em together. But on bar scenes they are only from a profile or more or less frontal. (Hidden Content)
  • What bloom... it's disabled since activation on this PC, as it doesn't work xD That screenshot is on a different format than the original, as the original was over the size limit, but I still don't see the blur when I click and watch it on full size
  • Well, at President Jacobi image, the shoulder is missing (as she has the grey parts/stripes on top), I remember seeing that costume in bars, but never with her actual face, the face is used too though... we'd have to mix the face and the body from different pics. Front as, more on the side for the image #3, here he is Chancellor2.PNG You have the Rheiland flag though. What about the Bretonian flag ? Will there be a new version of it, same as the Kusari and Liberty ? For the #2 and #4 . But the …
  • The last one is brought by CF, so it could be totally remade, a different idea and image, so maybe we can try something different, maybe OP or Huor have a better idea than that antenna, or do we try to recreate the same thing ? The antenna from that site is HD, but looks like a toy.
  • It has to be from the game same as the old one, or at least something sci fi. We have background options from in-game Bars, that have brown background with models and drawings, but not exactly the same as in the image.
  • I brought the foreground of that image, the 2nd version, and Forlon brought the first. Here are them both:Forlon's one from the video: index.png Mine from in-game:LSFpilot.PNG To download them just click on them, view the full size image then "Save" it to your PC. And the original is: Mine is looking a bit too up, and Forlon's looking a bit too down for the image, but they should work.The idea is to have it exactly the same, the face, the camera orientation, etc, just that it'd be in hi-res. Yo…
  • Yup, as close as possible is enough when exactly the same (closest possible) is not possible That's why I said those 2 images "should work". But I still like to try make a good thing/job when I do something I care about. BTW Huor , I found this guy: Not the same Quigley, but a similar enough char/face.screen40.PNG The BR elite costume in CF has the stripe on the other shoulder, so, should I mirror this one to make it fit, or should I keep the Crossfire style and find this guy on the other angle…
  • That image is a part of the screenshot, I'm using full performance on 1680x1050, you won't get it any bigger than that. Anyway that image piece is nearly 1000x1000, and the final version, with the black borders and such has to be 800x800. I think it's more than enough for what we need Thanx for the offer though.
  • Well, seeing the other examples we made and the original of that image: There's a need of the 2 black stripes at the top and bottom, while keeping the inside part's format (if we'd take and edit your image to add the stripes, it'd be deformed). The body should be darkened a bit to fit the background and lights, and well, that image will be seen big in-game, I still don't think wood is a sci fi ambient for an LSF Officer But this last thing just in my opinion.
  • (Quote from Huor) (Quote from /V\ichael) You didn't give me any hint of which of the choices you/we need. To keep Crossfire's style of the diagonal stripe on the left shoulder where in the original pic it's on the right, or mirror CF's pic to make it fit the old style (it will need a new screenshot from the other camera angle). I would pick CF's style as it's what we have, but I need your confirmation, so I can finish the image
  • Allright, here he is (he can still be mirrored though).BretonianElite2.PNG It's a bit on a side, not as much as in the image though, if you wish I can try get him from a better angle.
  • At #1 , I will try look getting those characters while they move the hand while showing things in coversations, I don't think it will work out though.At #2, only the president Jecobi is missing, waiting to see if Forlon can take a 2nd shot of her, or needs help with it. and What are we supposed to do about those ? I tried improving them to have more details on a hi-res version, but it didn't work out.
  • It's public, that's how Whiskyrunner made his try.
  • Here is the Bretonian Elite for image #3, found her too. Apparently this is the only hair they will wear (must be an updated one), and they are rare to find. BRFemElite.PNG The light from the left side (for the viewer) and the position, she should be perfect for placing in the same right side of the image, as in the #3 one. It would need a bit more of Luminosity to fit the flag. Off to try find the ones in image #1 in those certain positions, it may take a while. I still don't know if Forlon's …
  • In my last post I did say I'll be searching stuff for image #1, and didn't forget about it, just had stuff to do, and others can try em too snce the ppl here are rare to find Since Forlon answered that he has it hard to find a better shot of the President, well, I search her today. And #3's BR Elite comes in my last post. I got an idea for #4 so I'm reserving it... So what's left for anyone to try is this one:
  • Yes, only the 1rst one, since I already gave the 3rd one, started making one for the 4th, and the 2nd, the Chancellor was already posted. The President Jecobi, if you can find her somewhere else, you can still upload her as I didn't start searching her yet. So it's the 1rst one and president Jacobi.
  • So who's the guy on the right ?