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Search results 1-20 of 24.

  • Well, the Europe's Cup was already won by Spain and more, by the fav team of a familiar. Both finalist teams were spanish anyway. Good luck with UEFA at whoever needs it
  • Spanish also won the (Global) Champions cup previously, now it was the European's cup's time. Turn by turn
  • Germany's football team are playing the wrong game. Portugal vs Germany was not a "fair play game" was a Mortal Combat round, of the old versions with more punches and less super powers. I'm ok (even glad) with Portugal losing as I disliked somebody in their team, but the violence there was... well, normal for the last 3 matches I've seen where Germany was on a side.
  • So the countries unite in signing in the "Fair Play" game, and you just go break all the rules and also make the referee get "blind". Well I haven't actually seen that match anyway xD Just some replays at the news. Anyway, I wonder when it'll be Spain vs Germany, again. Last time (2010 champsionhip I think ) Spain kicked Germany's "macho" ass without having to punch them. Peace ! V xD
  • Too many brutes in football lately, like Spain vs Italy, Iniesta makes a goal, and 1 minute later some guy nearly breaks his leg, it was just that he failed and came too slow, else it was red card for that guy, but worse for Iniesta. Obviously not accidental, what a coincidence... in the same minute one makes a goal he gets attacked. Well, Italy had good luck
  • Europeans should learn that with closer the country is to Russia, the more fvcked up and violent it is. Corruption is so high but so used to it that don't even appear at the news, where in Spain they call over for a declaration a primeminister (or so) for spending 28k € in some trips in some years. Which is smaller than his pay.
  • (Quote) +1 As the government is the center of corruption ( in some countries at least) people have no option. And when part of the population is corrupt, it's already kinda late for revolution. The only help would be an external take over.
  • Yeah, even Croatia beaten Irland up, and well Croatia is Spain's next opponent, so the irish had to be easy. But I still liked the timing, a goal in minute 4 of first part, then another one exactly at minute 4 of second part, that coincidence was epic xD
  • Well, I guess it did was exciting, for you They lost twice.
  • (Quote from Gibbon) Put one on TV and one on your PC, and problem solved, watching at 2 TVs at once like a bouss You can also put 2 TVs if you have, or just switching channels, but you may miss some goal like that, some punch and some kick in the face stuff.
  • They definitely know what they do, so it was legal And its done. Possibly points taken away due to the fights arround, or so.
  • Ireland ? But it's kinda fvcked up, Ireland lost all the matches afaik O.o Against Croatia, Spain...
  • Croatia shall fall
  • Well, that was easy, Croatians were all scared in defensive the first part and ganging anyone entering their side, in the second half they went on offensive but for nothing.
  • Sorry Bris , you were all animated on this thread until now... but (as you told) your hopes were on Italy being screwed by Ireland and that was next to impossible. I hope Ireland plan some changes for the future... they only scored once, against Croatia. Spain wasn't trying to score at all as it had no forwards (where Croatia had 3 in the last part), that way both Croatia and Spain would pass but... bad luck, your defences were too weak for being so offensive. Midfielders can also score
  • yup. Good luck
  • Yeah, I'd also like England to beat Italy up to go to the next stage and as well win in the next stage but that'd be hard. Let the best one win And France tried, but they could barely touch the ball, with no ball, no score.
  • Looks like Spiky was right. It was 0 - 0 to the penalties part, then Italy scored 4 out of 5 and won. Well, Italy was more active in the whole game, running most and offensive. Gratz both teams for a good match ! I never seen such an "extended" game, though I've seen the second half of it. But Italy lost one of their players due to a yellow card, so it's not sure if they'll do well against Germany, it'll probably be easy for them. Good match Gibbon
  • lol Make the opponent run for the ball.
  • It was obvious. Spiky was completely right now, "Spain vs Germany/Italy". Despite 40 faults from Portugal and the arbitrator being harassed by Portugal press for 3 days to make him be freightened... I'm not sure if I'd prefer Spain vs Italy or Spain vs Germany... so both ways are ok.