Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Hey, Shroud is very fast And in the speed ships, there are also Cyclone, somebody said about Shooting Star, well, theese and 12 ships more OP said they have exactly the same fast agility I trust more OP's word hehe Now, a hint: Persephone is Fat, it's larger from front to behind and so easy ship to hit... Lagg is smaller and speedy, and Saracen is fast but better armoured too There are more ships out there which was never tried by somebody :< to see they are also of the fastest.
  • Having those drones escort and help you is possible Saw a video on youtube in Freelancer, an item which makes the NPCs arround come with you like a squad Also, about the NPCs, in CF 1.81 there are new NPCs not so easy to kill
  • Just don't worry about the 'best' ship, there are 17 best ships with the same agility, and a different cooler model for each eye
  • Yeah, go with class, go with Shroud Fast, small, powaaarrrfuuul *pew*pew*
  • Finally people start seeing that the 'best' stuff is the one you have next by you People go to far far away systems to find the 'best' ship, and after a laarge trip they find out the coolest ship is next by X Owned by CFPD There's no fast ship with more than 10.000 hull (OP's plan to make them equilibrated) so, who cares for 600 + or - hull, while the speed is cool and the ship is small and hard to hit Perse is also fast, but too fat... still I like it looks like a house lol
  • Well, then try hit Lagg, or Cyclone(which are small), Thanatos would be a little fat too, Persephone is FAT on lateral(as it's long), like, twice the Lagg, Raptor is pretty small, Saracen is small/normal and heavy armored but a Bit less agile(as I think), and so etc about 20 ships with similar stats BTW, how you can say you got a personal favorite ship without flying it yet... hmm, suspect let's see what you choose so we/I see what way you used to choose it
  • Yep SP makes it all easyer heheit's where I explored everything.... everywhere befor ethe server was working