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Search results 1-18 of 18.

  • LOL they are looking great!Anyways before the authorities use them for buying tons of donuts and whatnot to stimulate the coppers you will have first to catch this from the pirates that will steal it out of your hangars, muhahahaha
  • of course they say its correct. Would you say that your program works not correct and it may pass through interlopers of all kinds?No you wont. All that is there is an heuristic that is similar to known injections (like trojans and viruses). But what we really use here is not! You can be sure of that - i am and i am not the dumbest person on understanding pcs and such stuff We put in place a security mechanism that causes this tiny problem. Until we found a way to replace it you have to live wi…
  • - Dunno if this can be fixed - but everytime i have a fight with npcs in asteroid fields then they seem to can break through walls - but me not. --> is it a sur problem?- I could dive through those big asf ships in X3043
  • nearly all - really i assume its randomly but most times npcs can dive through the walls. Really good is that working in X - where they also hide inside those huge rocks now and then. This has been a problem in previours versions too.I can live with it - but thought to mention it - in any case it would be an easy task to solve.
  • if i would know how to solve those bugs i would probably already have them solved and sent to OP. But i am no modder and i dont have any particular freelancer modding knowledge - besides changing some values in ini files
  • I was docked at planet Roma in Purian Lake and did talk with a local bar visitor (from BOW) and he wanted to upload the position of New London to my neural net.I agreed and the following message appeared: Copia di Alien_Creatures_Wallpaper_1280x960_wallpaperhere.jpg Hope this could be fixed... I also could fix it if you would tell me where and what i have to look for...
  • Disabled or removed the IE? In first case that is not your problem - because i dont use IE as default since ages and dont have problems with launching CF.Its only an ActiveX or plugin that is used and not the whole IE. And it wont be changed anyway
  • yes - i have FF as well as default and the launcher works anyway. So that is not the problem because the launcher just uses a kind of plugin to display the page - and that works independent from the default browser
  • there is no rule about that stores - of whatever kind they are - cannot be attacked. Its in the clans responsibility to protect or hide it.
  • No - its just that easy.If you have problems with the download you should check your firewall or other thirdparty blocking tools. Several and the majority of the users dont have any issue with this.The Launcher is part of a security mechainsm as well as responsible for the dynamic universe and thus wont be replaced. We can help you to identify your problem - but we wont remove necessary parts of the mod!
  • (Quote from Myric) I 2nd that!
  • tradelane emitter thingy is shifted in hyperion. first gate from planet sylvin -> dublin, Edinburgh -> Planet Leeds as well, New York too (seems every tradelane) Experienced that the effect of some of the DKs gates is also shifted and not centered. --> i know i need to search the gates - but ptobably one of the guys hanging around there can verify this?!
  • especially the nebulas. Havent seen something beautiful anywhere else.
  • In FarPoint shouldnt the wreck be called "Liberty Dreadnought Wreck" instead of "Rileant Wreck"?And in Dyson Spehere there is a Nomad Gate - but its invisible - is that due to its locked?
  • yeah sorry i meant its a dreadnought wreck what i find strange about that Nomad Gate in Dyson Sphere that it can be selected - and i guess thatswhy there is a connection drawn on the sirius map - one that actually does not exists. Same as for a connection between Omicron Alpha and Death Valley or a connection between Omicron Minor and one of the Dyson Spheres. (it has always been this way thus i fear its a side effect of something. Not that it disturbs - but i was looking for possible jumpholes…
  • I am whether not sure if you what you take Mellon and Diablo and all others who complained - but seriously its wrong ;D I think you have a shifted idea about what OP has done so far. It was him who spend his holiday on working on this mod, it was him that has taken him several hours a day just to please us all, it was him who did mostly all of the modding, scripting, bug fixing, adding new stuff, no one asked OP to make those bug fixes, no one asked OP to add new stuff to the mod - and he did i…
  • Crossfire made it in the Moddb News Headlines... Freelancer 2012-02-12 02-40-14-97.jpg Lets proceed with some news in the following weeks.
  • may someone please explain what is so wonderful about me?