Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Az is not responsible for anything which went wrong between PX and SFP - the opposite is correct, he was the one who was putting the cork into the bottle again. So don´t blaim him for things he never said or did please. Offendings between you and him are historical from both sides. My experience with Az is the following. We had our problems, we talked about things, we had a conclusion, we are mates now - it´s that easy with him if you just try it. If so you will meet a most interesting person -…
  • OK may i have a try please which will not be flamed? actualy this is from my knowledge the additional uncuted agreement 1-5 every claned Member should know: (Quote) Many of you demand harder punishments, so i have a proposal: If one of the rules 1-4 are broken it can be like this: Clan Leaders or representatives can´t find a conclusion, go to OP. If one can proof his/her claim ban on the other. If it is unproofed ban on the one who couldn´t proof. If there is a draw ban both (Parties/Leaders or…
  • not tried to find a way (but posting wrong screenies) = banfalse accuse = ban of the one who accused false, if nobody can proof it, ban of both, problems for the majority away.modificated screenie = lol = ban of the one who accused false, if nobody can proof it, ban of both, problems for the majority away. Bounty Hunter = RP Bounty Hunter Tag was probably not clear enough expressed by me, meant as the RP Tag you see on NPCs. You can lower it to a Lifetime Account banning for not having it on th…
  • Question Rogue: How deserves a Community a Game Server? It´s benefiting all, OP included - If CF would not be here and never would have been done we never would have known anything about it, we would play on other Servers - probably other Games (at least i would for sure), all right we - choosed CF but thats for sure a compliment to the Mod and it´s Creator, we created Clans - which is an even bigger compliment. A healthy Community needs self-confidence, strong doers and ppl who follow those if…
  • @OPYou (deliberately ) don´t get the point. If you want to punish me or anyone else at the server who did faults, go ahead i have no problem with it, cause i know my parts and would accept any punishment layed on me. What i try to say all day long is that punishments have to be done when inacceptable issues are upcoming. People have to know what they will have to expect when going into this. Thats a cover for the majority who likes to play the Game instead of controling the ppl. and/or the envi…
  • Three Sites of a thread, nothing changed - but ppl start to insult each other (I don´t mean the funny little dark cloud thingy) Welcome to CF. So it will go this way: 1. Silence, 2. in the backround ppl start mixing RL and the Server Life again, 3. ppl. will get angry, 4. ppl. will start fighting here or somewhere else but not at the Server, 5. hostility again, 6. it will come to swat somehow7. OP will make the next "changes"8. ppl will ask why, oh and no9. ppl will make some suggestions10. sug…
  • 4,5,6