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  • Sovetskya Rented

    Greetings to All. I am announcing I have rented Sovetskya and will be purchasing Office Space on Murmansk, second mountain to the left from the Space Dock. Rules are to follow soon^^
  • Sovetskya Rented

    @ Dr.Straw.........half faking and hiding? Constant shit attacks like this is what made us decide to close CFPD to begin with. So why don't we all agree to let is stop right now. @SUPER....the coalition have a good place in our mission, not to mention the women their are better looking than Lucy's tribe on Malta^^
  • Sovetskya Rented

    Ok, all of you need to settle a little here. Sovetskya will be a central point for a number of reasons, one of them to finally get Altair INVOLVED in the server use on a regular basis
  • Sovetskya Rented

    1. Use Altair space weapons and missles. 2. Learn not to use CD's 3. Be patient
  • Sovetskya Rented

    yes there are
  • Sovetskya Rented

    "Government Controlled"
  • Sovetskya Rented

    Ok first set of rules is being temporarily stated, since it is obvious that the unlawful are already trying to cross and stock up in Vorkuta. 1. BG has been given the Carrier as their outpost in Sovetskya will all access rights, etc. 2. DC has been giving the Prison station as their Base of Operations, all access rights etc. 3. IOC has Baku station as their Office space, however any unlawful activity will result in the immediate dismissal of IOC from Sovetskya space. 4. IFC.......well, you are …
  • Sovetskya Rented

    Post you really dont want to "just cross".
  • Sovetskya Rented

    Lucy is too busy painting her fingernails to pay attention chief. Just do the following: " Lucy, your new color really brings out your eyes" , she will be so flattered, you can kill her without any concern of her shooting back..^^
  • Sovetskya Rented

    Once again I say it.....................DIPLOMACY
  • Sovetskya Rented

    well entering without being within the set parameters is invading yes? Obviously I have been doing this for some time, so I am aware that people will be sneaky.....just like some pirates (clan tagged) members have massed chars at the rift in hopes of sneaking in. remember this incursion issue is a two way street and consequences for such actions can be rather ugly. I didn't have an issue granting permission for one to cross yesterday, even though he admitted he was going to enter and attack me …
  • Sovetskya Rented

    As of July 7 2008. {LP} has RP agreement (Same as tarsus before) for Sovetskya. No camping permitted, you must enter and do your RP, once the RP is must leave to an adjacent system. Thanks to Saxon for making Diplomacy on this matter.
  • Sovetskya Rented

    Well it seems after I told one player to ASK to enter ( all he had to do) he chose to wait until I leave, then switch and purchase a Lagg ( after he said he was going to get a ship in Vorkuta). I caught him and proceeded to kos him across the server. This is a member of a server clan. I rented Sovetskya and I said I would not make the rules like most of the other clan systems. Many of you ask me in game to allow passage, but how am I to do that when your members blatantly DONT ask when we are i…
  • Sovetskya Rented

    {DP} clan are the guests of [SFP], they have access to Sovetskya.
  • Sovetskya Rented

    try asking.....