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  • Muahahaha!!! I'm gonna find you and run you down in my industrial ship!!! Lol j/k, yeah it is complicated at the start. Doesn't take long to adjust though.
  • Indeed, good thing I didn't turn up in my transport, I'd have brought a lifetimes supply of alcohol aboard
  • Any more updates Az? I'm interested to hear more about what you think Is anyone else trying the game out? It's free for 14 days, what do you have to lose?
  • You can fly cruisers in the trial version, do you have one of those? I believe you are Gallente correct? They have a very nice mining/trading cruiser.
  • And Ryzune is back from vacation. I'm back in the game So did you pay or let it go? lol
  • Well my character is a manufacturer to be, haven't done any work with regards the power of my ship yet, I just have a basic mining frigate, but I am willing to assist with any knowledge of the game I have Same name on EVE, I am Ryzune. Maybe I'll see some of you guys giving the free trial a go
  • I haven't looked into it myself but the idea of it interests me. It's a hell of a lot of ISK though. Only a seriously accomplished player that has been playing for at least a year would be capable of generating that kind of income.
  • True, but that requires constant work, and for someone working full time, 5AM to 6PM like I do, it would be impossible. Once I've been manufacturing for several months and am able to create more advanced weapons, components, star ships etc, I may be able to afford it. But either way, £12 odd a month is hardly a problem to pay.
  • Allow me to expand on how the game is played..... This is taken from the EVE Online Wikipedia page: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One example is the corporate heist perpetrated by the in-game assassin's guild Guiding Hand Social Club (GHSC). GHSC infiltrated a target corporation over the course of nearly a year before performing a virtual assassination on the target's CEO and steal…
  • I believe you will find that I shall be given the position as head of mining before the end of February! I figure that's how long it will take me to build up a mining fleet and amassing my fortune. Then I shall be appointed as Head of Mining, and Shriisa will no longer be able to tell me that she outranks me!! I will outrank *her*! Muahahahahah!
  • I haven't been kicked from the corp because of my comedy value. But I have pulled from online gaming, at the request of my parents. Something went terribly wrong last month, and I've agreed to stop playing and/or talking online. Ryzune out