Posts by MrPras

    Thanks for the help, I guess the news and bar discussions are worthwhile after all. I'd been playing the game without them both since I assumed they were pointless (as they were in the original)..

    Thanks for that, actually I couldn't find the readme! I installed the mod, just before reinstalling my OS so ended up with only the modded folder for FL and was too lazy to download the whole thing or go looking for the readme..

    You're right though, my bad for not reading it!

    EDIT: After reading it, I learned that I should check out a sleeper ship (luckily I found that) and that I should look for death valley.. Thanks.. If anyone's interested I'm a native English speaker and write sci-fi, I could have a go at rewriting the readme if the Op doesn't mind??

    Just to question the idea of being balanced or not

    Clearly combat is balanced for skilled players - that's fine, no worries there
    Missions - 30K average for a mission and 3million between levels? If you play combat missions then do the math. I don't think that it's a problem once you get onto higher levels but at the beginning having to do 100's of missions between levels is not balanced.
    There are a bunch of other things that make the game too hard in some places or too easy in others..

    I am, of course, speaking of the SP which is being redeveloped I hear. But still, it's far from balanced at least for me - I don't like the idea of spending a week (I don't play the game 24/7) to get on to the next level. It's just boring.

    It's true that freelancer doesn't have difficulty levels - well there's a possible option for 1.9 when you install - different levels for different players :)

    EDIT: Also with regard to tweaking the ini files - is it any less legal than modding the game? I'd like to see them sue me for that haha

    Hey guys, I'm all for exploration, but what's the likelyhood of my randomly checking out every object it every system?

    I mean, I went to the sleeper ship, found a secret something and still am none the wiser. I wouldn't even know that there was a storyline if someone hadn't have told me (thanks)..

    So, erm, rather than continue "exploring" this sleeper ship with a total lack of information - can anyone at least hint what to do here? I'd love to see the hard work that's been put into a crossfire storyline and see what all those extra systems are for.

    Also, please put any info in a spoiler box, I feel bad that someone is getting a hard time for helping me :)

    In that vid - the player won because hovis skewed off somewhere (like he does sometimes) but normally it's not so easy.

    I agree it's not the end of the world - but again - I had a swashbuckler (which has a lower rotation speed so can't maneuver around like that freighter).

    The first time I had played a mod I had built up a hefty gunboat if I remember right and when I got to that mission I had to sell it and then afterwards go back to get one again (from some remote system) which left me cursing the mission.

    Winning the race isn't the issue, it's just the fact that in some cases you have to sell your lovely boat that took ages to get.

    I just think there could be a bypass option and would seriously encourage the SP modders to give such an option in the 1.9 mod.

    Whether or not you have had individual problems with it or not - there are a slew of threads out there of people hating the mission so why not give us the option to bribe for example?

    Oh, and the other annoyance is that if you have a high powered ship and have to switch, then you have to do the next couple of missions in a peashooter. Which sucks.

    I have to say that I'm going to be happier when the mod is balanced for SP.. Currently it seems like it's way too easy to make money trading (in a freighter it's easy to make several 100K per run sometimes between adjacent stations but doing missions it would take weeks to do the same - ridiculous).

    Of course it's focussed on multiplayer and I read somewhere that 1.9 would have a healthy focus on the SP campaign etc.. Which would be nice. I don't mind hacking/tweaking the game - but it feels like cheating - but rather at the moment it's necessary just to do some of the missions or to avoid the pain of countless hours and sore wrist/arm shooting at npc's that are just unbalanced ;)

    Just wanted to drop in my opinion..

    hehe yeah I put him in a gunboat in the end

    the reason I didn't want to switch ships is because the ship available only has puny cannons and I was happy with the freighter since I can trade to make the millions I need (which is a bit steep I think). I'd rather not do 100 low-payed missions between levels thanks ;)

    Well guys, I hate this mission too. it would be nice to just BRIBE hovis or something. I mean, you might think that using a freighter is "not in the spirit of the game" but you forget that it's a freelancer game and by definition and style - we can play it as we want.

    I am also using a Freighter (swashbuckler) because it's the fastest way to make money between missions and packs enough of a punch on my current budget. I don't want to have to start all over with a fresh ship just to pass this stupid mission.

    If it's possible to give hovis a battleship or even a freighter that would be great, but can anyone share how to do this? I can go and scan through the INI files myself of course and will share here if I find out how.

    Frankly, blowing hovis' ship into near dust would be a great option, make him beg for his life and then give you the info in return for sparing his arrogant corpse hahaha..

    Sorry, just "getting in the spirit of the game"!

    EDIT: I found the details in openspnpcships.ini - is this the one

    Thanks for the thoughts and tips Bullwinkle..

    I know this might sound like I'm whining but is there any way to get the elite and federation ships into the crossfire SP? Or, are they already there?

    Perhaps renaming the files and replacing an existing ship model and INI-stats would accomplish that?

    It's really nice that there are so many ships I never saw before, great work..!! But I do miss the federation and star-wars stuff.. Boohoo.. I guess i could revert back to another mod for that.

    I meant that the Single Player was not affected too much by ships..

    I mean, most other mods are replacing all the ships in all the stations so it's relatively easy to do the SP campaign in a unbalanced supership ;)

    Having said that, is there a list anywhere of the ships?

    Did you guys include Elite or Federation ships??

    I'm not sure if I can download those ship-packs and add them to the SP crossfire mod..

    I guess I could just revert to another mod - Frontierspace for example (that would be a big shame, your mod rocks!!)

    I use the game editor to get around imbalances in the Storyline, bugs in the SP mods, and sometimes to add my own twists to the game (like getting my million credits from lonnigan or being able to bribe a local to sell me an item for double price even though my level is too low, jury rigging my ship to fit a lvl5 shield instead of the max of lvl4 - for example)..

    Cheating kinda spoils the game but it's nice to be able to customise..

    Also starting as a Nomad with a nomad fighter and setting everyone to nearly red (a defector) is a nice way to play the game for a change.. Being green to nomad and red to everyone else but then having to kill a lot of nomads to get neutral etc etc.. Adds a lot of depth to the boring openSP format..

    Perhaps you could code a customiser for the openSP so that we can create and share starting profiles?? (with a certain amount of customise points to use or something like that)..

    Dunno if I'm the only one who would enjoy that but I certainly miss having the gamedata files..

    If you do decide to release some, I'd just like the factions, ships and systems please :)

    You must be sick of Freelancer fans rediscovering the game through your mod :) hihi

    Well, I've been replaying it recently and enjoyed several SP mods (not so keen on Multiplayer - I prefer Eve Online for that).. Anyway, I was very pleasantly surprised to discover your extensive mod.

    I did, however, not yet get the chance to explore half of it (or who knows, a quarter even). I do have a few little comments that may or may not be useful..

    Transparency option on the external view could be great (on the ship) for the large ships.. Or perhaps a Zoom as mentioned before.

    I think some difficulty balancing could be done on the Story mode, I mean it's fine if you use the 150K you start with and can handle the arm-achingly intense few battles (which seem to be the hardest in the whole game strangely).. Vanilla FL was similar but not by so much.

    Personally, I would love to see more of the custom ships available in the Vanilla systems although I kinda liked the way you teased us through the storyline stations with an occasional ship.

    I don't know the scope of the ships but could it be possible to import the huge variety of B5, ST, SW etc ships already available or make a SHIPJUNKY version of the mod?

    Truth is, I only really enjoy the mods for the ships. Perhaps that's just me..

    I also noticed that collecting pilots in a system with a Prison is way too easy and millions can be made in a very short time even as a rookie.. Perhaps the lower pilot ranks shouldn't be worth so much. 250k is fair for an admiral but perhaps an ensign would be worth 5k instead of 50k?

    I love the VIP and Prisoners concept but the pricing also seemed under-tuned. The only variation in VIP was 600 at Planet Manhattan (which meant filling up the cargo, launching, docking at the nearest station, selling and doubling the investment, rinse, repeat).. And only one possible place to earn more (within the Vanilla systems at least).. Definitely a great start, perhaps something could be inspired from the frontierspace mod??

    How about only allowing SP players to sell prisoners to LPI stations if they own a Police license? Perhaps the pilots could be considered contriband unless you have a police license? It could be seen as kidnapping otherwise and frowned upon by the authorities.. Not sure if that is possible of course.

    I have real problems with the new iconsets - I can hardly even see them!!! I'm using a TFT so it shouldn't be so bad but the only way I can really play the game is using the original icons.. Maybe it's just me but with some of the iconsets it's just unplayable.. Could you please create a Fat or HiContrast scheme too?

    I hope this feedback finds you well. Congratulations on such an amazing mod.. You guys must be well organised!! Lucky for us!! :)

    Hi Everyone

    I did a search for crossfire gamedata and found nothing so sorry if this is a repost - it's my first post here..

    I'm playing the SP and OpenSP and I like to use the IONCROSS player editor to create new custom starts - like being a nomad defector or some crazy stuff like that..

    I think there is an app to extract the GAMEDATA files (also from IONCross) but that never worked for me, doesn't even install successfully..

    Are there Gamedata files for CF1.8 or could someone perhaps make some?

    I love that the mod is mostly original and minimal about the ships..