Posts by fooka03

    I have vista 64-bit. But I didn't have to do anything special to get it to work correctly...

    Edit: After trying to break it I found out that the main thing that needs to be done to make it work is disable IPv6. I'm not running in compatibility mode, freelancer has been added to the firewall list, and I have AVG free.

    Perhaps tool it so that it is nothing more than a minor annoyance to HF and above classes but can be effective against LF class as well as missles?

    I suppose part of this depends on what in history are you trying to base it off of? 20mm had a high rate of fire but would take a fair amount to take down a bomber (or a lucky hit) vs 88mm which had a low rate of fire but would blow apart a tank, much less anything aerial.

    Hey guys, new here. Looks like a pretty neat mod so maybe I can contribute a bit. I am a computer engineer afterall...


    EL-27F "Yinzer" Liberty Heavy Fighter

    Gun/Turret Mounts: 3/5
    Armor: 3850
    Cargo Space: 55
    Max Batteries/NanoBots: 27/42
    Optimal Weapon Class: 4
    Max Weapon Class: 7
    Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD, T(x2)

    The Yinzer was based off the most plentiful ship on Planet Pittsburgh, the venerable Rhino freighter. Designed during the first conflict with the Nomads as an answer to increasing demands on patrol ships, decomissioned Rhinos had a portion of their cargo hold refitted with a heavy lifter reactor as well as a vastly upgraded engine. In addition, the frame was retooled and maneuvering wings were added to give the ship some agility. However, staying true to its freighter roots, the ship is better suited for assault missions and capital ship support rather than dogfighting. The Yinzer performs admirably at the former with the addition of its torpedo pods, while the latter is left a little wanting due to the limited weapon hardpoints and middling turret strength. Due to the increasing amount of Rhinos being retired from service, the availability of these fighters has advanced to the point where they have been made available to the public.

    I know this isn't the greatest fighter around but it seems like everyone is trying to make an uberfighter. So I came up with this idea as kind of a middle of the road as far as a fighter, but has the ability to put a hurting on cap ships when used in a group with other ships. I'm a big fan of utility ships that are not terribly useful to everyone, but can be a force when used in the right situation.

    I'll come up with more as I have time. Just taking a break right now from doing stuff for work l [7]