Posts by first_emperor

    Did you reboot after uninstalling FL? It sometimes asks for that so you should do it.
    I never was able to DEactivate the mod properly hence reactivating also didn't work. I had to reinstall FL for every activation of CF. So I made a copy of the original folder and don't have to reinstall every time.

    If you tried everything they told you here and it still doesn't work, how about just buying the game? It cost almost nothing...

    @ Destroying Angel:
    That is not entirely right. I knew of Sol before. I was talking to another player if there aren't any quests and he told me about the news and that one of them was to find Sol. Sometime I arrived there but I was not equiped good enough to start any quests (imho). Now the Quest on the news just sounds weird since I already was on the planet. I also have to admit, that I only remember the title of the quest, not what it tells me to do...

    flmm SCREENS Folder:

    That's what I've got in my Freelancer SCREENS Folder:

    The flmmbak are the Backups from flmm I suppose
    I currently use the 4th Set.

    So I suppose I have to rename cfcursor1.txm into cursor.txm to get the 1st set? (After making backups myself, of course...)

    Sry for the many questions, I'm a little lost here...

    I'm not really fixed on something, but as long as there is something I could make improvements to, I'll try ;)

    The folder with those files should be this one i think: (D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DATA\INTERFACE\HUD)
    My guess was, that in the unpacked Crossfire folder in the flmm there are all four crosshair packages and flmm chooses from them. That would have meant, that I just could copy and paste.
    But if flmm changes some numbers and ecrypts those files...
    But I'm still convinced that if I can get other crosshair files, that I can just overwrite the others without problem.

    About that mentioned, I searched the forum, but coudln't find anything. Except this thread ;) What does it do and where can I find it?

    edit: Scrap that. I found something. Do you mean the colourblind thing?

    I too have problems with the mission system. But that is mostly because I'm not used to that system, like many others. The classic system, where you get a clue and it shows up in a diary ie and every next step shows up there too, if you reach it, would be way better. At least easier. My guess is, that this system can't be used and the only way to give information to players is through the static news. I must admit that I still have my bad habbit of ignoring news from my times in Freelancer. Since I don't have any boundaries I keep exploring. For the story it would definetely be better, if you reach a point where you have to solve the quest before you are able to move on.

    I'm looking for a way to change my crosshairs without having to reinstall the game. Not only because that's a pain in the ***, but also because I would like to mix them up. (I really like the red normal one, but can't stand the one when you are on objects).
    For that I would need to know which files I have to switch. Even better would be if you tell me what program I need to open these files an preview them without having to test them ingame.
    And, when I'm already asking about crosshairs: I believe I've already tested all of the Crossfire ones, but are there any you can see real good? I mean if the background is bright, you almost see nothing. That's okay if it's because of the sun, but if it's ie. a nebula it's, well, dumb.

    I doubt that there's going to be a problem with playing online if there change those files, right?

    Yes I do, though it's more like a coincidence because the server didn't show up the first disconnects I had. Thx to Hellraisers Signature I know that my intuition was better than I thought :D

    The part that get's on my nerves most, is that I fight my way back from one end of the Sirius system to the other witch my cargo full of escapepods, and two systems before I reach Texas my whole cargo is gone...
    There definetly should be more prisons. Just think of all the scum out there. Two prisons? And both in Texas? Thats a little off. I explored, let's say 80% of the Sirius system, so I doubt that I have such bad luck to skip every other prison...

    Yesterday I lost all the (loose) inventory after loosing connection to the server while fighting, which happen way too often...
    I had about 34 Major, 7 Lieutnant and 27 Seargent escapepods and Weapons worth 300000$ which makes more then 5Mio loss, not to forget the time spent...

    Is there anything I can do about that? It's really frustrating -.-