Posts by Stl_Rich

    I've gotten into a situation where two faction bases are still hostile to me even thought factions themselves are neutral or friendly. My character name is Billy Mitchell and the Bases in question are Kyoto and Bruschal. The Dragons are friendly and the Bunchu are neutral to me yet their bases are hostile.

    I've never seen bases remain hostile like this.......

    Rich (Billy)

    I read that just moments ago. I'm glad to get back half of what I'd acquired but I think I'm going to spend a bit less time here till things settle down further. Life is frustrating enough without leisure time frustrating you too.

    In any case,

    Thanks to all who are working on this, I'll be back later.

    My character went from level 71 with 100,000,000 in the bank and in the middle of the second quest in SOL to a Sigma 13 and 48,000,000 in the bank. Any ideas? The character name is Billy Mitchell and it seems I've lost a weeks worth of game play somewhere........

    Thanks to you and everyone for the info. I did find the markII version shields in a couple of systems.

    Now my question is what the heck kind of guns are the DK's using? Plasma?

    McAfee virus protection will not work with CF 1.8 at present. It will claim to find an "Artemis Trojan" and remove it causing Free Lancer not to load at all. My solution was to ditch McAfee altogether and run Microsoft Security Essentials which causes no problem with "false positives" McAfee is aware they've got issues but offers NO WAY TO FIX THIS other than to send them the rogram and wait for 4-6 weeks.........

    Well I got to play for a few minutes today.....

    I may just punt the multiplayer for a while and do a little single player......

    Down again........

    Better to be down than to get the "red lag" of death with a belly full of pirates bound for prison in any case.